Collected reprints: Abstract 2886

Collected reprints


Rojas, C.; Otten, P.; Van Grieken, R.; Laane, Remi (1991). Dry aerosol deposition over the North Sea estimated from aircraft measurements. Air pollution modeling and its application 1991: 419-425

A mathematical approach based on the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory is used to predict the wind speed, friction velocity and drag coefficient, which are then introduced in the well-known deposition model of Slinn and Slinn (1980), to calculate the dry deposition of heavy metals into the North Sea. This model is perfectly suitable for aircraft sampling considering the fact that usually due to safety reasons, flights at the reference height used in deposition models (10m), are not possible. To check this approach, deposition velocities were calculated based on the airborne concentrations of Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb obtained by sampling with the aid of an aircraft over the Dutch continental shelf of the North Sea. Results are in agreement with those found in the literature. A rough estimation of the atmospheric input for these heavy metals and comparison with riverine inputs and direct discharges is also included.

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