22 April, 2022

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngGers, J. (1939). Le voilier. Meded. Mar. Acad. Belg. = Comm. Acad. mar. Belg. II: 177-195, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngHacquaert, A.L. (1939). Het internationaal Golf Stroom onderzoek. Meded. Mar. Acad. Belg. = Comm. Acad. mar. Belg. II: 265-267, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngJanssen, A.R. et al. (2022). Southern Ocean Action Plan (2021-2030) in support of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. IOC/UNESCO: Paris. 69 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6412191, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngKoninckx, C. (1975). Het scheepstype in de Zweedse Oost-Indische Compagnie tijdens het eerste en tweede octrooi (1731-1766). Meded. Mar. Acad. Belg. = Comm. Acad. mar. Belg. XXIII: 63-94, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngNeyrinck, L. (2002). Het Deurganckdok. Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Marine Academie = Communications de l'Academie Royale de Marine XXXII: 109-126, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngSmet, R. (1975). Enkele nautische en verkeerstechnische aspecten van de toegankelijkheid van zeehavens. Meded. Mar. Acad. Belg. = Comm. Acad. mar. Belg. XXIII: 201-212, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngVan Beylen, J. (1959). Vlaamse maritieme achterglasschilderijen. Meded. Mar. Acad. Belg. = Comm. Acad. mar. Belg. XI: 185-258, more

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Grondboor en Hamer

Van Hooijdonk, K. (2005). Een fossiele lynx van de Noordzeebodem, more

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Yuan, Dongliang et al. (2022). A Maluku Sea intermediate western boundary current connecting Pacific Ocean circulation to the Indonesian Throughflow, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/graduation_16x16.gifNature: International Weekly Journal of Science

Donat, M.G. (2022). Marine heatwaves reliably forecast by climate models, more

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Czorlich, Y. et al. (2022). Rapid evolution in salmon life history induced by direct and indirect effects of fishing, more

Johnson, A.F. et al. (2022). Offshore renewables need an experimental mindset, more

Therkildsen, N.O.; Pinsky, M.L. (2022). A long evolutionary reach for fishing nets, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngBerkman, P.A. et al. (2011). Science diplomacy: Antarctica, science, and the governance of international spaces. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press: Washington DC. ISBN 978-1-935623-06-9. xii, 337 pp, more

Debelius, H. (2011). Red Sea Reef guide: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Arabian Peninsula (Oman, UAE, Bahrain). Fifth revised edition. IKAN Unterwasserarchiv: Frankfurt. ISBN 978-3-939-767-02-2. 321 pp, more

Fraser, C. (2021). Beachcombing: A guide to seashores of the Southern Hemisphere. Otago University Press: Dunedin. ISBN 978-1-99-004800-5. 115 pp, more

Jarnoux, P.; Serruys, M.-W.; Tamaki, T. (Ed.) (2021). Côte à côte: Mers, marins, marchands - Mélanges offerts à Pierrick Pourchasse = Between coasts: Seas, seafarers, merchants - Liber Amicorum Pierrick Pourchasse. Les Amis du CRBC: Brest. ISBN 979-10-92331-54-7. 474 pp.

  • (2021). Bibliographie Pierrick Pourchasse = Bibliography Pierrick Pourchasse, more
  • Allain, T. (2021). Neutres du Nord et commerce en Méditerranée: Un capitaine de Rotterdam pendant les grands conflits du milieu du XVIIIe siècle, more
  • Beaurepaire, P-Y. (2021). De Saint-Gall à Brest: Frédéric Sollicoffre pionnier de l'Art Royal, more
  • Bougeard, C. (2021). Vie et élites politiques dans le Morbihan de la Libération aux années 68, more
  • Calvez, R. (2021). Pierrick Pourchasse portraituré, more
  • Carrillo-Blouin, E. (2021). L'Assiette perdue d'Alamos Sonora: Une simple histoire qui se révèle plus compliquée que ce que nous aurions pu soupçonner, more
  • Coumert, M. (2021). Les saints bretons du Moyen Âge: Des navigateurs en auges de pierre?, more
  • De Mathan, A. (2021). Rêver d'un autre monde - L'imaginaire éclairé de l'officier de marine: Armand-Guy de Coëtnempren, comte de Kersaint, more
  • Favero, G. (2021). The free port of Venice and its establishment under the Habsburg Empire, more
  • González Enciso, A. (2021). Supply contracts of iron fittings and nails for the Spanish navy, more
  • Guillorel, É. (2021). Commerce, badinage et confidences à la Martinique en 1754: La correspondance de deux amis rochelais dans les Prize Papers, more
  • Jarnoux, P. (2021). Un parcours d'historien, more
  • Jarnoux, P. (2021). Les opportunités fugaces du grand commerce. Les Moucheron: une famille au rytheme du monde, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, more
  • Kimizuka, H. (2021). Les activités portuaires de Concarneau au XVIIIe siècle, more
  • Le Bouëdec, G. (2021). Blavet-Port-Louis, la trajectoire d'une ville-port du XVe à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, more
  • Lespagnol, A.; Hrodej, P.; Hess, A. (2021). Nous n'irons pas au Nord, les voyages malouins vers l'Europe septentrionale entre 1698 et 1725, more
  • Marzagalli, S. (2021). Navigations bretonnes à la veille de la Révolution française, ou comment faire fi des lacunes de sources, more
  • Müller, L. (2021). Short-term and long-term patterns in Swedish shipping: A case study of the Swedish Algerian sea passes c. 1750-1800, more
  • Nakai, Y. (2021). Memory and the Athenian democracy in the fourth century BC, more
  • North, M. (2021). Port cities as media of cultural exchanges, more
  • Ojala, J.; Tiainen, T. (2021). Strength of small ports: Diverging patterns of trade between Finland and France (1670s-1850s), more
  • Parmentier, J. (2021). Between London and Ostend: East India Trade and shipping in Ostend during the Late Eighteenth Century, more
  • Pfister-Langanay, C. (2021). La révolte des bélandriers dunkerquois en 1710, une révolte occultée mais bien préparée, more
  • Pinzón Rios, G. (2021). La expedición de Nicolás de Frondat (1707-1711) en la construcción de proyectos franceses sobre el Pacífico septentrional, more
  • Polónia, A. (2021). Self-organised networks in maritime transport: Portugal, sixteenth century, more
  • Raveux, O. (2021). Le commerce français du corail de Méditerranée en Chine au XVIIIe siècle, more
  • Sauzeau, T. (2021). L'île d'Oléron dans le commerce du Nord au XVIIe siècle: Entre sel, vin et eau-de-vie, more
  • Scheltjens, W. (2021). Markets, fairs and ports in Poland-Lithuania, ca. 1400-1600, more
  • Schnakenbourg, É. (2021). Le gouvernement français et le commerce de Russie au début du XVIIIe siècle, more
  • Serruys, M.W. (2021). Collecting articles for a friend: The making of Pierrick's Liber Amicorum, more
  • Serruys, M.W. (2021). La maladie inconnue des premières écluses de Slyckens: Les tarets et l'impact d'une crise écologique sur la côte flamande au XVIIIe siècle, more
  • Tamaki, T. (2021). A very kind person - Pierrick Pourchasse, more
  • Tamaki, T. (2021). Mercantilism as state policy and merchant activities: A global perspective, more
  • Trebbi, M.; Ersland, G.A. (2021). A Bergen merchant in times of neutrality Herman D. Janson's French letters 1798-1807, more
  • Veluwenkamp, J.W. (2021). The nationality of Dutch merchants in the eighteenth century Russia trade, more
  • Weber, K. (2021). Equivocality, the Wandering Jew, and concepts of honour in Jean Potocki's novel The Manuscript Found in Saragossa (1804/1810), more
  • Wegener Sleeswijk, A. (2021). Shipping agency in Amsterdam in the Eighteenth Century: The Frisian shipbroker's company of Anne Jacobs and Volkert de Vries, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngMacDonald, B.H. et al. (2016). Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management. CRC Press: Boca Raton. ISBN 978-1-4987-3170-6. xxxvii, 474 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b21483, more

Santhanam, P.; Begum, A.; Pachiappan, P. (Ed.) (2019). Basic and applied phytoplankton biology. Springer Nature Singapore: Singapore. ISBN 978-981-10-7937-5; e-ISBN 978-981-10-7938-2. X, 336 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-7938-2

  • Balaji Prasath, B. et al. (2019). Detection of cyanotoxins of cyanobacterial (Microcystis aeruginosa) strain using Microtox® bioluminescence bioassay, more
  • Balaji Prasath, B. et al. (2019). Potential harmful microalgae in Muttukadu backwater, southeast coast of India, more
  • Balakrishnan, S. et al. (2019). A method of bio-efficacy potential of microalgae (phytoplankton) for the control of vector mosquitoes, more
  • Begum, A. et al. (2019). Mass scale culture and preparation of microalgal paste, more
  • Bharatha Rathna, P.; Santhanam, P. (2019). A study on the impact of acidification on the morphometry, photosynthesis, and biochemical composition of phytoplankton, more
  • Dinesh Kumar, S.; Santhanam, P.; Leena Grace Nancy, F. (2019). The techniques in microalgae bioremediation and algal co-product development, more
  • Divya, M. et al. (2019). A study of carbon sequestration by phytoplankton, more
  • Divya, M.; Santhanam, P. (2019). Bioremediation of wastewater using a novel method of microalgae immobilized on Twin-Layer Recirculation System (TLRS), more
  • Jeyanthi, S.; Santhanam, P. (2019). Strain selection and lipid characterization of marine diatoms with potential for biodiesel production, more
  • Jeyapandi, S. et al. (2019). Study on molecular taxonomy and phylogenetic analysis of phytoplankton, more
  • Krishnaveni, N.; Shenbaga Devi, A.; Santhanam, P. (2019). A method of analysis of pigments in phytoplankton, more
  • Muralisankar, T. et al. (2019). Replacement of fishmeal with Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis and its use in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii production, more
  • Pachiappan, P. et al. (2019). An introduction to plankton, more
  • Premkumar, C. et al. (2019). A method of extraction, purification, characterization, and application of bioactive compounds from phytoplankton, more
  • Premkumar, C. et al. (2019). An estimation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of microalgae, more
  • Santhanam, P.; Pachiappan, P.; Begum, A. (2019). Methods of collection, preservation and taxonomic identification of marine phytoplankton, more
  • Sasirekha, R.; Santhanam, P. (2019). Surface bioengineering of diatom by amine and phosphate groups for efficient drug delivery, more
  • Shenbaga Devi, A. et al. (2018). Distribution of phytoplankton in selected salt pans of Tamil Nadu, southeast coast of India, more
  • Shenbaga Devi, A. et al. (2019). Isolation, culture, and application of marine microalga Dunaliella salina (Volvocales, Chlorophyceae) as an aqua feed additive, more



https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.png(2022). Jaarverslag 2021: Duurzame maritieme groeimarkten. Jaarverslag Haven Oostende. Port Oostende: Oostende. 109 pp, more

Everaert, G. et al. (2022). Plastic baseline (t0) measurement in the scope Flemish Integral Action Plan on Marine Litter (OVAM). Plastic t0 study 2020-2021. Flanders Marine Institute: Ostend. 112 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/26, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngJanssen, A.R. et al. (2022). Southern Ocean Action Plan (2021-2030) in support of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. IOC/UNESCO: Paris. 69 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6412191, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngUnited Nations Environment Programme; Mediterranean Action Plan; Priority Actions Programme (2008). Protocol on integrated coastal zone management in the Mediterranean = Protocole relatif à la gestion intégrée des zones côtières de la Méditerranée = Protocolo relativo a la gestión integrada de las zonas costeras del Mediterráneo. Priority Actions Programme: Split. ISBN 978-953-6429-60-8. 88 pp, more



https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngBrennan, M.K. (2019). Reconstructing Arctic Sea Ice in the Common Era. MSc Thesis. University of Washington: Seattle. 57 pp, more

De Groote, M. (1999). Strandvondsten in de Bourgondische tijd: Een bijdrage tot de sociaal-economische geschiedenis van de Vlaamse kust (1384-1448). MSc Thesis. UGent. Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte: Gent. 157 pp, more




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