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Administration de la Marine et de la Navigation Intérieure (1946). Réparation des accidents du travail survenus aux gens de mer. Ministère des Communications, Administration de la Marine et de la Navigation Intérieure = Ministerie van Verkeerswezen, Bestuur van het Zeewezen en van de Binnenvaart: Bruxelles. 16 pp, more

Administration de la Marine et de la Navigation Intérieure (1947). Réparation des accidents du travail survenus aux gens de mer. Ministère des Communications, Administration de la Marine et de la Navigation Intérieure = Ministerie van Verkeerswezen, Bestuur van het Zeewezen en van de Binnenvaart: Bruxelles. 12 pp, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngDe Smet, J. (1938). De krijgsvloot van de Staten van Vlaanderen in de zestiende en zeventiende eeuwen. Ann. Soc. émul. Bruges 81: 1-26, more

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American Fisheries Society Symposium

Heupel, M.R.; Webber, D.M. (2012). Trends in acoustic tracking: Where are the fish going and how will we follow them?, more

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Beninger, P.G.; Backeljau, T. (2019). Understanding taxonomic and nomenclatural instability – a case study of the Manila clam, more

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ARPHA Conference Abstracts

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Verbruggen, J.F. (1952). De slag bij de Pevelenberg (18 aug. 1304), more

Wyffels, C. (1963). De Vlaamse handel op Engeland vóór het Engels-Vlaams konflikt van 1270-1274, more

Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde

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Doehaerd, R. (1962). La genèse d'une entreprise maritime: les pêcheurs de Wenduine au XVe siècle, more

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Hernández-Becerril, D.U. et al. (2013). Morphological study of two closely related marine planktonic diatoms: Bellerochea malleus and Helicotheca tamesis, more

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De Blauwe, H. (2018). Dinoflagellaat Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg 1833 veroorzaakt rode vloed in het Boudewijnkanaal te Dudzele in augustus 2018, more

Jonckheere, I. (2018). Eikapsels van de rog en schelpen op de stranden van de Westkust na de eerste winterstorm van 2019, more

Jonckheere, I. (2018). Echte zoetwaterspons Ephydatia fluviatilis op takje gevonden tijdens strandwerkgroepexcursie te Nieuwpoort op 9 september 2018, more

Kerckhof, F. (2018). Recente strandvondsten van inheemse platte oesters Ostrea edulis Linnaeus, 1758 op de stranden van de westkust en het nut van lege schelpen van de Amerikaanse zwaardschede Ensis directus, more

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Bentley, J.W. et al. (2019). Diet uncertainty analysis strengthens model-derived indicators of food web structure and function, more

Coll, M. et al. (2016). Ecological indicators to capture the effects of fishing on biodiversity and conservation status of marine ecosystems, more

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Ainsworth, C.H. et al. (2008). Reconstructing historical marine ecosystems using food web models: Northern British Columbia from Pre-European contact to present, more

Alexander, K.A. et al. (2016). Spatial ecosystem modelling of marine renewable energy installations: gauging the utility of Ecospace, more

Bentley, J.W. et al. (2017). Investigating the potential impacts of ocean warming on the Norwegian and Barents Seas ecosystem using a time-dynamic food-web model, more

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Heymans, J.J. (2001). Review "ECOTOX: Ecological Modelling and Ecotoxicology: Edited by L.A. Jørgensen, S.E. Jørgensen, S.N. Nielsen, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2000. CD-ROM. ISBN 0-444-50240-8, more

Heymans, J.J.; Baird, D. (2000). Network analysis of the Northern Benguela ecosystem by means of network and ecopath, more

Heymans, J.J.; Tomczak, M.T. (2016). Regime shifts in the Northern Benguela ecosystem: challenges for management, more

Heymans, J.J. et al. (2002). Network analysis of the South Florida Everglades graminoid marshes and comparison with nearby cypress ecosystems, more

Mackinson, S. et al. (2009). Which forcing factors fit? Using ecosystem models to investigate the relative influence of fishing and changes in primary productivity on the dynamics of marine ecosystems, more

Torres, M.A. et al. (2013). Food-web structure of and fishing impacts on the Gulf of Cadiz ecosystem (South-western Spain), more

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Heymans, J.J. et al. (2007). Evaluating network analysis indicators of ecosystem status in the Gulf of Alaska, more

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Santos, C.S.A. et al. (2019). Assay optimisation and age-related baseline variation in biochemical markers in Lesser Black-backed gulls, more

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Marzocchi, U. et al. (2018). Transient bottom water oxygenation creates a niche for cable bacteria in long-term anoxic sediments of the Eastern Gotland Basin, more

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De Witte, B. et al. (2019). Oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mussels: analytical method development and occurrence in the Belgian coastal zone, more

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Leruste, A. et al. (2019). Physiological and behavioral responses of phytoplankton communities to nutrient availability in a disturbed Mediterranean coastal lagoon, more

Orr, K.K. et al. (2014). Detached macroalgae: its importance to inshore sandy beach fauna, more

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Christensen, V. et al. (2003). Hundred-year decline of North Atlantic predatory fishes, more

Sardà, F. et al. (2013). Overlooked impacts and challenges of the new European discard ban, more

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Uhlmann, S.S.; Broadhurst, M.K. (2015). Mitigating unaccounted fishing mortality from gillnets and traps, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngAlexander, K.A. et al. (2014). Investigating the recent decline in gadoid stocks in the west of Scotland shelf ecosystem using a foodweb model, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngColl, M. et al. (2009). Ranking the ecological relative status of exploited marine ecosystems, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngDelfour-Samama, O.; Leboeuf, C. (2014). Review of potential legal frameworks for effective implementation and enforcement of MPAs in the high seas, more

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Lacey, N.C.; Hayes, P. (2019). Epifauna associated with subsea pipelines in the North Sea, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngRindorf, A. et al. (2017). Inclusion of ecological, economic, social, and institutional considerations when setting targets and limits for multispecies fisheries, more

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Welicky, R.L. et al. (2019). Understanding growth relationships of African cymothoid fish parasitic isopods using specimens from museum and field collections, more

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Newell, C.R.; Hidu, H. (1982). The effects of sediment type on growth rate and shell allometry in the soft shelled clam Mya arenaria L, more

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Kraan, M. et al. (2013). The optimal process of self-sampling in fisheries: lessons learned in the Netherlands, more

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Camargo, A.C.A.; Santos, C.P. (2019). Morphological and molecular analyses of Pseudomazocraes sulamericana n. sp., Pseudomazocraes selene Hargis, 1957, Cemocotyle carangis (MacCallum, 1913) and Zeuxapta seriolae (Meserve, 1938) (Monogenea: Mazocraeidea) from carangid fishes in the south-western Atlantic Ocean, more

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Tiaple, Y. (2019). Hydrodynamic simulation of wave energy converter using particle-based computational fluid dynamics, more

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Yonge, C.M. (1982). Ligamental structure in Mactracea and Myacea (Mollusca: Bivalvia), more

Le Moyen âge: bulletin mensuel d'histoire et de philologie

Verhulst, A. (1986). La vie urbaine dans les anciens Pays-Bas avant l'an mil, more

Les Amis du Vieux Dunkerque

Asaert, G. (1977). La situation des port aux anciens Pays-Bas au XVe et XVIe siècles, more

Baetens, R. (1977). Le rôle de Dunkerque dans l'histoire maritime et commerciale des Pays-Bas méridionaux (16e-18e), more

Baetens, R. (1980). Le mouvement portuaire à Ostende (1635-1662), more

Coornaert, E. (1978). Hondschoote: de ses origines au debut du XVIIIème siècle, more

Dams, J. (1976). Michel Jacobsen et la flotte de Flandre de 1621 à 1632, more

Danhieux, L. (1977). La pêche sur les côtes flamandes, more

De Smet, J. (1980). La flotte de guerre Flamande au XVIIème siècle, more

Dupas, G. (1980). Toponymie et fantaisie en Flandre maritime, more

Messiaen, J. (1976). Jacques Colaert: corsaire dunkerquois, amiral flamand 1584-1637, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/graduation_16x16.gifLimnology and Oceanography: Methods

Górska, B. et al. (2019). Size assessment in polychaete worms—application of morphometric correlations for common North Atlantic taxa, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/graduation_16x16.gifMarine Ecology Progress Series

Corrales, X. et al. (2017). Hindcasting the dynamics of an Eastern Mediterranean marine ecosystem under the impacts of multiple stressors, more

Kim, H.-G. et al. (2019). Comparison of nematode assemblages associated with Sargassum muticum in its native range in South Korea and as an invasive species in the English Channel, more

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Alexander, K.A. et al. (2013). Attitudes of Scottish fishers towards marine renewable energy, more

Hughes, A.D. et al. (2013). Comments on ‘Prospects for the use of macroalgae for fuel in Ireland and UK: an overview of marine management issues’, more

Hyder, K. et al. (2015). Making modelling count - increasing the contribution of shelf-seas community and ecosystem models to policy development and management, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngMuir, G.K.P. et al. (2017). Ecosystem uptake and transfer of Sellafield-derived radiocarbon (14C). Part 1. The Irish Sea, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngTierney, K.M. et al. (2017). Nuclear reprocessing-related radiocarbon (14C) uptake into UK marine mammals, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngTierney, K.M. et al. (2017). Ecosystem uptake and transfer of Sellafield-derived radiocarbon (14C) part 2: The west of Scotland, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/graduation_16x16.gifMarine Technology Society Journal

Chitre, M.A. et al. (2008). Underwater acoustic communications and networking: Recent advances and future challenges, more


van Waning, C.J.W. (1963). Ter ere van Veere en Vlissingen's roem, more

Mededelingen van de Marine Academie van België = Communications de l'Académie de Marine de Belgique

da Silveira, J.C. (1953). L'amiral Antonio Da Cunha e Andrade, more

Debrock, W. (1959). Het Vlaamse kapersschip der 17de eeuw: de Snauw, more

Hinneman, J. (1953). Sprokkelingen uit de geschiedenis van onze betrekkingen met Schotland ten tijde van Keizer Karel, more

Koninckx, C. (1971-1972). Drie reizen van de Zweedse Oost-Indiëvaarder "Fredericus Rex Sueciae", more

Smekens, F. (1956-1957). Braakliggend terrein betreffende onze nationale zeevaartgeschiedenis in de Moderne Tijden, more

Memorie della Società geologica italiana

Schilling, A.V. et al. (1976). Stratigraphic investigations on the late Neogene of Corfou (Greece) with special reference to the Miocene/Pliocene boundary and to its geodynamic significance, more

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Nature Sustainability

Cottrell, R.S. et al. (2019). Food production shocks across land and sea, more

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Muller, M. (2019). Dams have the power to slow climate change, more

Schiermeier, Q. (2019). Antarctic voyage to explore ocean long hidden by ice, more

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  • Jansen, J.H.F. et al. (1979). Late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in the Witch and Fladen ground area, northern North Sea, more

Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen

Lang, A.W. (1953). Cornelis Anthonisz (1557), der Begründer der Hydrographie Niedersachsens, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/graduation_16x16.gifOcean & Coastal Management

van der Werf, J.J. et al. (2019). An integral approach to design the Roggenplaat intertidal shoal nourishment, more

Vuik, V. et al. (2019). Salt marshes for flood risk reduction: quantifying long-term effectiveness and life-cycle costs, more

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Revue des Questions Scientifiques

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Standen en Landen = Anciens pays et assemblées d'états

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