19 September, 2014

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OPEN MARINE ARCHIVE (OMA): the open repository of publications by Flemish/Belgian scientists.

Fockedey, N. et al. (2014). Peeling shrimp and oral history. Poster presented at IMSCC 2014 1st International Marine Science Communication Conference, 8-9 September 2014. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ)/Centre for Agricultural History (CAG): Oostende, Leuven. 1 poster pp., more

Fockedey, N.; Vervaele, K.; Bisschop, C. (2014). Peeling shrimp and oral history, in: (2014). Abstracts IMSCC 2014: 1st International Marine Science Communication Conference, 8-9 September 2014, Porto, Portugal. pp. 1, meer

Fockedey, N.; Goffin, A.; Copejans, E.; Van Bruane, J.; Demuysere, M.-A.; De Dobbelaere, T.; De Wolf, D.; Van Rijckeghem, C.; Tavernier, I.; Janssen, C.; Marine@UGent consortium (2014). Art students enhance their ocean literacy, in: (2014). Abstracts IMSCC 2014: 1st International Marine Science Communication Conference, 8-9 September 2014, Porto, Portugal. pp. 1, meer

Fijn, R.C. et al. (2014). Post-breeding prospecting trips of adult Sandwich Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis. Bird Study Online first: 1-6. hdl.handle.net/10.1080/00063657.2014.950942, more

Haspeslagh, J. (2014). “Wetenschappelijke bibliotheken evolueren steeds meer naar informatielaboratoria”. META 6: 27, more

Provoost, S. et al. (2014). Hoofdstuk 23 - Ecosysteemdienst kustbescherming, in: Stevens, M. (Ed.) (2014). Natuurrapport - Toestand en trend van ecosystemen en ecosysteemdiensten in Vlaanderen. Technisch rapport. pp. 1-34, more

Rappé, K.; Copejans, E.; Fockedey, N.; Seys, J. (2014). ‘Young Marine Scientists’ Day’, the annual hot spot for up-and-coming researchers, in: (2014). Abstracts IMSCC 2014: 1st International Marine Science Communication Conference, 8-9 September 2014, Porto, Portugal. pp. 1, mee

Raux, P. et al. (2014). Analysis and future, in: Santoro, F. et al. (Ed.) (2014). Integrated Regional Assessments in support of ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins. IOC Technical Series, 111: pp. 37-56, more

Santoro, F. et al. (2014). Guidelines for the implementation of ecosystem-based coastal and ocean management, in: Santoro, F. et al. (Ed.) (2014). Integrated Regional Assessments in support of ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins. IOC Technical Series, 111: pp. 67-75, more

Volta, C. et al. (2014). C-GEM (v 1.0): a new, cost-efficient biogeochemical model for estuaries and its application to a funnel-shaped system. Geosci. Model Dev. 7(4): 1271-1295. hdl.handle.net/10.5194/gmd-7-1271-2014, more



(2014). Abstracts IMSCC 2014: 1st International Marine Science Communication Conference, 8-9 September 2014, Porto, Portugal. CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Porto)/European Marine Board Communications Panel (EMBCP)/Ciência Viva (National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture): Porto. [No pag.] pp., more

Frank, M.G. (2014). Preparing the ghost: an essay concerning the giant squid and its first photographer. Liveright Publishing: New York & London. ISBN 978-0-87140-283-7. 297 pp., more

Hester, R.E.; Harrison, R.M. (Ed.) (2011). Marine pollution and human health. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, 33. Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge. ISBN 978-1-84973-240-6. xiv, 168 pp., more

Lanoye, R. (1964). L'épopée ostendaise. Editions Erel: Ostende. 134 pp., more

Mossel, G.P.J. (1859). Handleiding tot de kennis van het schip. Facsimile herdruk 1974 van de uitgave Amsterdam 1859. Monumenta Nautica Historica Selecta, 3(II). Bij de Wed. G. Hulst van Keulen/Fontes Pers: Amsterdam. ISBN 90-302-960-2-X. 455 + 14 (toevoegsel), platen I-XI (folded in back pp., more

Pilaar, J.C.; Mossel, G.P.J. (1858). Handleiding tot de kennis van het tuig, de masten, zeilen, enz. van het schip; Derde druk, aanmerkelijk verbeterd, vermeerderd en geheel omgewerkt. Facsimile herdruk 1974 van de uitgave Amsterdam 1858. Monumenta Nautica Historica Selecta, 3(I). Bij de Wed. G. Hulst van Keulen/Fontes Pers: Amsterdam. ISBN 90-302-9601-1. 535, platen I-X (folded in back) pp., more

Stoett, F.A. (1943). Nederlandsche spreekwoorden, spreekwijzen, uitdrukkingen en gezegden naar hun oorsprong en beteekenis verklaard. Vijfde druk, 2e oplage (deel I: ISBN 90-03-90210-0; deel II: ISBN 90-03-90220-8). W.J. Thieme & Cie: Zutphen. 2 delen (582; 634) pp., more

Studio Vandersteen et al. (1988). Bij nacht en ontij. Bessy Natuurkommando, 11. Standaard Uitgeverij: Antwerpen. ISBN 9002-15979-X. , more

van der Mije, P. (1962). Leert de zee kennen. 3e druk. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Bond tot het Redden van Drenkelingen: Haarlem. 24 pp., more

Wijnolst, N.; Wergeland, T. (2009). Shipping innovation. IOS Press: Amsterdam. ISBN 978-1-58603-943-1. xi, 831 pp., more



Hester, R.E.; Harrison, R.M. (Ed.) (2011). Marine pollution and human health . Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, 33. Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge. ISBN 978-1-84973-240-6. xiv, 168 pp., more

Allen, J. I. (2011). Marine environment and human health: an overview, more

Stewart, J.R. et al. (2011). Waterborne pathogens, more

Readman, J.W. et al. (2011). Estuarine and marine pollutants, more

Davidson, K. et al. (2011). Harmful algal blooms, more

Moore, M.N. et al. (2011). Scientific challenges and policy needs, more

Turkish Journal of Zoology

Çinar, M.E. (2014). Checklist of the phyla Platyhelminthes, Xenacoelomorpha, Nematoda, Acanthocephala, Myxozoa, Tardigrada, Cephalorhyncha, Nemertea, Echiura, Brachiopoda, Phoronida, Chaetognatha, and Chordata (Tunicata, Cephalochordata, and Hemichordata) from the coasts of Turkey, more

Bakir, A.K. et al. (2014). The marine arthropods of Turkey, more

Çinar, M.E. et al. (2014). Checklist of Annelida from the coasts of Turkey, more

Açik, S. (2014). Check-list of Sipuncula from the coasts of Turkey, more

Bilecenoglu, M. et al. (2014). An updated checklist of marine fishes of Turkey, more

Çinar, M.E. et al. (2014). Check-list of Cnidaria and Ctenophora from the coasts of Turkey, more

Güçlüsoy, H. et al. (2014). Checklist of marine tetrapods (reptiles, seabirds and mammals) of Turkey, more

Öztürk, B. et al. (2014). Marine molluscs of the Turkish coasts: An updated checklist, more

Topaloglu, B.; Evcen, A. (2014). Updated checklist of sponges (Porifera) along the coasts of Turkey, more

Koçak, F.; Önen, S.A. (2014). Checklist of Bryozoa on the coasts of Turkey, more


Andresen, H. et al. (1990). Long-term changes of salt marsh communities by cattle grazing, more

Jensen, A. (1985). The effect of cattle and sheep grazing on salt-marsh vegetation at Skallingen, Denmark, more


Kempf, N.; Lamp, J. (Ed.) (1987). Salzwiesen: Geformt von Küstenschutz, Landwirtschaft oder Natur? Internationale Fachtagung zu Perspektiven für Schutz und Pflege von Salzwiesen im Wattenmeer. Tagungsbericht / WWF, 1 . Umweltstiftung WWF-Deutschland: Frankfurt. 476 pp.

Irmler, U. et al. (1987). Veränderungen der Wirbellosenfauna in Salzwiesen durch Beweidung, more

Ovesen, C.H. (Ed.) (1990). Proceedings of the Second Trilateral Working Conference on Saltmarsh Management in the Wadden Sea Region, Rømø, Denmark, 10-13 October 1989. Ministry of the Environment, National Forest and Nature Agency: Copenhagen. ISBN 87-50387-01-4. 203 pp.

Prokosch, P. (1990). German saltmarshes - formed by coastal protection, agriculture or nature?, more

Bakker, J.P. (1990). Effects of grazing and hay-making on Wadden Sea saltmarshes, more

Viggosson, G. (Ed.) (1994). Proceedings of the Hornafjördur International Coastal Symposium, at Höfn, the Town of Hornafjördur, Iceland, 20-24 June, 1994. Icelandic Harbour Authority: Reykjavik.

Finkl, C.W. (1994). Tidal inlets in Florida: Their morphodynamics and role in coastal sand sediment, more



Nature: International Weekly Journal of Science

Zhang, Z. et al. (2014). Aridification of the Sahara desert caused by Tethys Sea shrinkage during the Late Miocene, more

Rey, P.F. et al. (2014). Spreading continents kick-started plate tectonics, more



Hubbard, D. et al. (2014). Island outlook: Warm and swampy, more

Black, B.A. et al. (2014). Six centuries of variability and extremes in a coupled marine-terrestrial ecosystem, more



(1996). Stroom-sedimentmeting Veerhaven Breskens: 1 en 2 september 1996. Meetdienst Zeeland: Vlissingen. 5 + bijlagen pp., more

Banerjee, T. (1979). Towards a partnership among ICES member countries for the development of mariculture programs. CM Documents - ICES, CM 1979(F:41). ICES: Copenhagen. 9 pp., more

Cole, H.A. (1955). A preliminary study of growth-rate in cockles (Cardium edule L.) in relation to commercial exploitation. CM Documents - ICES, CM:1955(Shellfish Committee 25). ICES: Copenhagen. 9 + [5] pp., more

Grijns, A. (1949). Bacteriological control of Zealand oysters and mussels. Special Scientific Meeting on Shellfish. CM Documents - ICES, CM:1949. ICES: Copenhagen. 3 pp., more

Lambert, L. (1949). Le contrôle sanitaire des huîtres, moules et coquillages. Special Scientific Meeting on Shellfish. CM Documents - ICES, CM:1949. ICES: Copenhagen. 8 pp., more

Meyer-Waarden, P.F. (1954). Mussel culture in the German Wadden Sea. Special Meeting Oyster and Mussel Culture. CM Documents - ICES, CM:1954(74). ICES: Copenhagen. 4 + [2] pp., more

Schouwenaar, A. (1991). Berekening jaarvrachten Schelde-estuarium met procentuele aandelen van de verschillende categorieën. Notitie GWWS, 91.13054. RWS, DGW: Middelburg. 18 pp., more

Wang, Z.B.; Cloin, B. (1999). Verkennende studie verbetering weergave intergetijdegebied Westerschelde. WL|Delft Hydraulics: Delft. 24 + appendix pp., more

Zijlstra, J.J. (1961). On the recruitment mechanism in the North Sea herring. CM Documents - ICES, CM:1961(29). ICES: Copenhagen. 8 pp., more



Cloern, J.E. et al. (2014). Phytoplankton primary production in the world's estuarine-coastal ecosystems. Biogeosciences 11: 2477-2501. hdl.handle.net/10.5194/bg-11-2477-2014, more

Grell, O. (1992). Einfluß der Rinderbeweidung auf Brackwasser-Röhricht und Insel-Salzwiese . Faun.-Oekol. Mitt. Suppl. 13: 21-43, more

Meyer, H. et al. (1995). Structure of the invertebrate fauna in salt marshes of the Wadden Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein influenced by sheep-grazing. Helgol. Meeresunters. 49(1-4): 563-589 . hdl.handle.net/10.1007/BF02368383, more



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