Submerge yourself in the history of sea fisheries in Belgium

All digital contributions to complete this historical overview are welcomed!

Travel through time: Use the mouse to browse through the timeperiod of your choice: 'century' (bottom), 'decade' (middle) or 'month' (top). The blue marks and lines in the bottom and middle beam show the information available on the timeline. 'Click and drag' the beam to travel through time. Use the 'scroll' function of the mouse to move through the timeline faster. You can also use the arrows (← en →) on your keyboard to browse through the timeline.
Read more: Would you like to know more than just the headlines? Click on the theme-icons in the timeline to get more information. Sometimes a digital document or image is added.
Filter by topic is possible by checking or unchecking the different themes at the bottom of the timeline.
Highlight: By using the 'highlight' function you can highlight specific terms in yellow on the timeline.
Seach: The 'search' function will get you a list of all facts containing the seach string. Note: the search engine only searches the themes that have been checked.

[To intro]