On Friday the 3rd of February 2007 the 7th edition of the VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day took place in the KHBO in Brugge. It was a successful day where young scientists and marine professionals met each other. The multidisciplinairy seascience in Flanders was located with the scientific results presented in posters by the young scientists. The present public and a professional jury voted for the best poster. The winners of the VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences and the North Sea Award had an opportunity to share their work to the audience.
The abstracts of all participants and winners of the VLIZ awards can be found in the Book of Abstracts.
Poster award - Public jury:
Bekaert Karen, Stefan Hoffman and Koen Parmentier - Fish diseases and parasites on the Belgian continental shelf
Poster award - Professional jury:
De Backer Griet, Marc Vantorre and Julien De Rouck - Wave energy extraction in the North Sea by heaving point absorber
VLIZ North Sea Award 2006:
dr. Eric Stienen - 'Living with gulls - Trading of food and predation in the Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis' - [Ph.D. thesis]
VLIZ Thesis Award for Marine Sciences 2006:
Katrin Broekaert: 'Cryptic genetic diversity in the genus Mesopodopsis (Crustacea, Mysidacea)' - [Thesis]
Robby Caspeele: 'Generation of irregular long and short crested waves in a numerical model for wave propagation: implementation, validation and application' - [Thesis UGent - AWW]
More pictures are available in the VLIZ-photogallery.