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VLIZ Marine Science Day 2017

Book of Abstracts

The abstracts of all participants and award winners can be found in the Book of Abstracts (VLIZ Special Publication 79). It gives you a nice overview of the current marine research in the Flanders' region.

Photo gallery

All pictures of the VLIZ Marine Science Day 2017 are available in the VLIZ photo gallery.


Follow the activity on Twitter: #VMSD17


Twenty-eight contestants (23 pre-doc and 5 post-doc level) were invited to prepare a short pitch presentation (max. 5 minutes) for the plenary session. Video recordings of all plenary talks can be found on the You Tube Channel VMSD17. You can also go to the programme-2017 page on this conference website and click on the YouTube logo’s to watch the presentations again.

The other participants could present their work during the poster session. The audience could vote for the best oral and the best scientific poster.

  • Top-3 pitch presentations (pre-doc level)

1: Alice Cransveld - Mercury stable isotopes discriminate different populations of common Seabass around Europe and provide insight on mercury cycle

2: Roeland T'Jampens - Automatic monitoring of birds in marine video content

3: Brecht Devolder - Numerical modelling of wave interaction with coastal and offshore structures using a CFD solver


  • Top-3 pitch presentations (post-doc level)

1: Tom Van der Stocken - Modeling mangrove propagule dispersal trajectories using high-resolution estimates of ocean surface winds and currents

2: Annelies De Backer - Extremely loud and incredibly close: in situ exposure of Atlantic cod to pile driving

3. De Smet Bart - The community structure of deep-sea macrofauna in an area of interest for deep-sea mining


  • Top-3 scientific posters

1: Vergara Gabriela - Distribution of zooplankton in the coastal area of the Belgian part of the North Sea, with focus on the harbors of Oostende, Zeebrugge and Nieuwpoort PDF Icon

2: Braeckman Ulrike - Carbon cycylig in Antarctic benthic communities subject to glacier retreat PDF Icon

3: Verbrugghe Tim - Waves: an ocean of modelling options PDF Icon

All other posters are made available via the Open Marien Archive (OMA). 


  •  Keynote speakers

The planned keynote speaker Tine Missiaen - Making the past visible for the future: Challenges in unraveling the archaeology of the continental shelf - had to be excused for acute medical reasons. She was replaced by: 

Jan Mees - The European Marine Board, advancing seas and ocean science for Europe

Philippe De Backer - Future of the Sea/Sea of the Future: About marine spatial planning & a long-term vision on the Belgian Part of the North Sea



  • Meet the Company

The companies that were present during Meet the Company 2016:


Read more about the marine companies that were present at this third edition of the Meet the Company event.



VLIZ Scientific Awards

  • North Sea Award 2016

Alberto Scoma (UGent, Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology) - The “Alcanivorax paradox”: mild hydrostatic pressure impacts deep-sea oil bioremediation

[Read more how to participate]

  • VLIZ Thesis Award for Marine Sciences 2016

Katleen Wils (UGent, Renard Centre of Marine Geology) - Reconstruction of the seismic history of Aysén fjord (South Chile) by means of seismic stratigraphy and sediment-core analysis

Niels Van Putte (UA, Onderzoeksgroep Ecosysteembeheer) - Groundwater flow in tidal marshes: a comparison of a natural and a restored marsh

[Read more how to participate]

  • VLIZ Brilliant Research Ideas 2016

Emmanuel Van Acker (UGent, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology) - Do marine aerosols improve human health? - An exploratory "holistic" approach

Laurine Burdorf (VUB, Chemistry Department) - Who are the cable bacteria?

Raf Meskens (Antwerp Maritime Academy) - A dynamic testing platform for anti-fouling coatings

Franz Maximilian Heindler (KULeuven, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Genomics) - Refugia of Antarctic Icefish

[Read more how to participate]

  • VLIZ Communication Award 2016

Pieterjan Verhelst (UGent - Marine Biology Research Group) - The importance of acoustic telemetry for restoring fish stocks [animation]

  • VLIZ Communication Award 2017

Maikel De Clercq (UGent - Department of Geology) - The value of archaeological potential mapping for the offshore industry

[Read more how to participate]

See you again next year for a new edition! Keep an eye on the announcements for the submission of abstracts (autumn 2016).