The abstracts of all participants and winners of the VLIZ awards can be found in the Book of Abstracts.
Poster award - Public jury:
Verfaillie Els, Foster-Smith Bob and Van Lancker Vera - Analysis of bathymetrical derived features on the Belgian continental shelf as a support for marine habitat mapping
Poster award - Professional jury:
Vanden Broeck Heidi, De Wolf Hans, Backeljau Thierry and Blust Ronny - Effects of pollution on the morphology and condition of Littorina littorea along the Scheldt Estuary
North Sea Award 2005:
dr. Oscar G. Bos - 'Recruitment variation of Macoma balthica (L.). Is there a role for larval food limitation?' - [Ph.D. thesis]
VLIZ Thesis Award for Marine Sciences 2005:
Ivy Meert - 'Reconstruction of environmental conditions at the Belgian coastal area over the past 800 years using Mytilus edulis shells' - [Thesis]
Kristien Schelfaut - 'Defining landscapes on the Belgian continental shelf as an approach to holistic habitat mapping' - [Thesis]
More pictures of the Young Marine Scientists' Day 2006 are available in the VLIZ-photogallery.