Endis-Risks is a four year project carried out by one Dutch and five Belgian research groups (see
partners) in the framework of the
SPSD-II research action of the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office.
The Endis-Risks project aims to assess the distribution and the possible effects of endocrine disrupting substances in the Scheldt estuary. Priority substances, their physico-chemical distribution (speciation within the different compartments: sediment, water, suspended solids), their concentration in biota (mysid shrimp and gobies) and their geographic distribution will be assessed.
The valorisation of the Endis-Risks project will result in a thorough, integrated and multi-disciplinary description of the current status of the Scheldt estuary in relation to the issue of endocrine disruption. This study will result in a fundamental, ecotoxicological risk assessment of endocrine disrupting substances in the Scheldt estuary.
The major research objectives within the project are: