Ocean Biodiversity Informatics
International Conference on Marine Biodiversity Data Management
Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004
Intro Objectives Programme Publications Statement Participants People

Ocean Biodiversity Informatics 2007

The last OBI international conference on marine biodiversity data management took place at Bedford institute of oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2-4 October 2007. More information is available on http://marinebiodiversity.ca/OBI07.


The OBI proceedings of the 2004 conference in Hamburg is printed and copies are sent to all conference participants. A digital copy is available to download. Hard copies can be requested by email to info@vliz.be.

Vanden Berghe, E., W. Appeltans, M.J. Costello, P. Pissierssens (Eds). Proceedings of 'Ocean Biodiversity Informatics': an international conference on marine biodiversity data management Hamburg, Germany, 29 November - 1 December, 2004. Paris, UNESCO/IOC, VLIZ, BSH, 2007. vi + 192 pp. (IOC Workshop Report, 202) (VLIZ Special Publication, 37)
[download] (8.5MB); online first on 2007-01-23.

OBIS leads way in combining marine biology and information technology

A special Theme Section of nine papers in the prestigious international Marine Ecology Progress Series marks the official recognition of a new interdisciplinary area of research called "Ocean Biodiversity Informatics" (OBI). The flagship project of OBI is the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) (www.iobis.org), the data component of the Census of Marine Life (www.coml.org).

This global initiative is growing fast. OBIS already publishes almost 10 million location records for 61,000 species from more than 100 databases online. The international portal at Rutgers State University of New Jersey is supported by 10 regional centres around the world. To read more about how OBIS is helping to redefine marine biology: click here.


Go to MEPS special publication on OBI: http://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v316/.

The OBI conference took place from 29 November till 1 December 2004 in Hamburg (Germany). OBI was a great success. We had 168 participants, from 37 countries. There were 37 oral and 33 poster presentations. Some pictures are posted on the MarBEF NoE web site.

OBI Statement

A draft of this statement was first circulated at the beginning of the conference. This draft was presented and commented upon by all the conference participants during the last session. This last version now became final after consultation with conference participants.
The statement is available on OBI statement.


All the presentations for which the authors agreed to publish, are now brought online at Programme.

Book of Abstracts

The abstracts of all the presentations are published in the 'Book of Abstracts'. A PDF version is available to download at: Book of Abstracts (3.3MB)

Conference Secretariat

Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
Vismijn, Pakhuizen 45-52
B8400 Oostende, Belgium
email obi@vliz.be


The conference will be hosted by the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH, Germany). The venue of the conference will be at the Katholische Akademie Hamburg, Herrengraben 4, Hamburg (website | map: pdf, 1,024 Kb); a sheet with practical information can be downloaded by clicking here (word file, 67 Kb).

Local organisers at BSH: Friedrich Nast and Maren Fabricius

Organised by:

With support from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU, Germany), the European Union and the World Data Centre for Oceanography A, Silver Spring