Seabird Group 10th International

Provinciaal Hof
Bruges, Belgium
27-30 March 2009

The 'Seabird Group 10th International Conference' was a success with 102 participants representing 17 countries.

The oral presentations embraced a variety of topics clustered around the topics 'Breeding ecology', 'Feeding ecology, energetics & conservation', 'Distribution & migration', 'Population ecology'. The high level poster exhibition grouped ± 30 posters.

The two most outstanding posters were awarded a special prize by a scientific jury.

The award for the best overall poster was given to:

Chris Thaxter for the poster:
Flexibility of foraging behaviour in two pursuit-diving seabirds: the importance of prey transport constraints
Chris Thaxter, Sarah Wanless, Mike P. Harris, Francis Daunt, Silvano Benvenuti, Yutaka Watanuki, David Grémillet, Simon Greenstreet and Keith Hamer


Renata Medeiros was given the award for the best student poster:
Small birds in a large ocean: how to study the diets of different storm petrels?
Renata Medeiros, Mark Bolton, William O.C. Symondson, Jaime A. Ramos and
Robert J. Thomas

The abstracts of the oral and poster presentations were published as:

VLIZ Special Publication 42. Communications of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest – INBO.M.2009.1.

Group picture of the participants of the 'Seabird Group 10th International Conference

More images available here

Provinciaal Hof - Provincial Court
Markt 3
8000 Brugge
Click here for info on the venue.

View on the Belfry and canals of Bruges.


The Seabird Group
c/o BTO - The Nunnery
Thetford - Norfolk IP24 2PU
England, United Kingdom

Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Kliniekstraat 25
1070 Brussel
tel 02 558 18 11
fax 02 558 18 05

Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee - Flanders Marine Institute
VLIZ – InnovOcean site
Wandelaarkaai 7
8400 Oostende
Tel.  +32-(0)59-34 21 30
Fax  +32-(0)59-34 21 31

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 Logo VLIZ





Johan Buckens

Conference secretariat (general queries, abstracts, registration):

Flanders Marine Institute
Seabird Group 10th International Conference
VLIZ - InnovOcean site
Wandelaarkaai 7
8400 Oostende, Belgium
Wandelaarkaai 7, 8400 OOSTENDE
Tel.: +32-(0)59-34 21 30
Fax : +32-(0)59-32 21 31