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Korshunova, T. et al. (2017). Ontogeny as an important part of integrative taxonomy in tergipedid aeolidaceans (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) with a description of a new genus and species from the Barents Sea. , more

Perez-Portela, R. et al. (2010). Pycnoclavella stolonialis n. sp. (Tunicata: Ascidiacea), with phylogenetic and distributional remarks on the genus in Europe. , more

Heim, I. et al. (2007). Description and molecular phylogeny of Tethya hibernica sp. nov. (Porifera, Demospongiae) from Northern Ireland with remarks on the European species of the genus Tethya. , more

Langeneck, J. et al. (2018). Syllidae (Annelida: Phyllodocida) from the deep Mediterranean Sea, with the description of three new species. , more



Dohmen-Janssen, C.M.; Hulscher, S.J.M.H. (Ed.) (2008). River, coastal and estuarine morphodynamics: RCEM 2007. Proceedings of the 5th IAHR symposium on river, coastal and estuarine morphodynamics, Enschede, The Netherlands, 17-21 September 2007. Taylor and Francis: London. ISBN 978-0-415-45363-9. VOL. 1 (XVIII, 669); vol. 2 (XVIII, 1271) pp.

Bakx, W. et al. (2008). Meandering channel dynamics in highly cohesive sediment on an intertidal mud flat, more

Euzen, A. et al. (Ed.) (2017). The ocean revealed. CNRS Éditions: Paris. ISBN 978-2-271-11907-0. 321 pp.

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Short, F.T.; Coles, R.G.; Short, C.A. (Ed.) (2001). Global seagrass research methods. Elsevier Science: Amsterdam. ISBN 0-444-50891-0. VII, 473 pp.

Kuo, J.; den Hartog, C. (2001). Seagrass taxonomy and identification key, more



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Sneekes, A.C.; Tjon Atsoi, M. (2017). Resultaten van het Rijkswaterstaat JAMP 2016 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthysflesus L.). Biologische gegevens. IMARES Wageningen Report, C027/17. Wageningen Marine Research: IJmuiden. 20 + bijlagen pp., more

Sneekes, A.C.; Tjon Atsoi, M. (2017). Resultaten van het Rijkswaterstaat JAMP 2016 monitoringsprogramma van milieukritische stoffen in schelpdieren. IMARES Wageningen Report, C029/17. Wageningen Marine Research: IJmuiden. 19 + bijlagen pp., more

SOVON Ganzen- en Zwanenwerkgroep (1995). Ganzen- en zwanentellingen in Nederland in 1993/94. SOVON-monitoringrapport, 95/02. SOVON: Beek-Ubbergen. 58 pp., more

Tjon-Atsoi, M.; van Barneveld, E. (2017). Resultaten van het Rijkswaterstaat JAMP 2016 monitoringsprogramma van schol (Pleuronectes platessa L.). IMARES Wageningen Report, C028/17. Wageningen Marine Research: IJmuiden. 20 + bijlagen pp., more

van Wezel, R.M. et al. (2014). Fytoplanktononderzoek in de zoute Rijkswateren, MWTL 2013. Rapport van het adviesbureau Koeman en Bijkerk, 2014-028. Koeman en Bijkerk: Haren. 33 + bijlagen pp., more



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Bromley, C. (2013). Native oyster regeneration for commercial and environmental sustainability of stocks. Bulletin of the Porcupine Marine Natural History Society 34(Autumn): 49-54, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/graduation_16x16.gifButler, A.J. (1976). A shortage of food for the terrestrial snail Helicella virgata in South Australia. Oecologia 25(4): 349-371. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1007/bf00345608, more

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