VLIZ LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS NO. 427 / 20 February, 2009

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OPEN MARINE ARCHIVE (OMA): the open repository of publications by Flemish/Belgian scientists.

De Bont, R. (2008) Evolutionary morphology in Belgium: The fortunes of the "Van Beneden School", 1870-1900. J. Hist. Biol. 41(1): 81-118, details

de Lichtervelde, A.; Demoitié, P.; Du Brulle, C.; Lepoivre, X.; Mayence, J.-F.; Renard, D.; Scheers, R.; Starckx, S.; Vancauwenberghe, M.; Verweire, E. (Ed.) (2008) België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid = Belgian Science Policy = Politique Scientifique Fédérale: Brussel, Belgium. 84 + 4 maps (Antarcticagebieden met Belgische toponymen) pp., details

Demoitié, P. (2008) Getand en gegomd = Des dents et de la gomme, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 82-83, details

Du Brulle, C. (2008) Vier nieuwe basissen voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek op het witte continent = Quatre nouvelles stations de recherche scientifique sur le Continent blanc, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 56-64, details

Du Brulle, C. (2008) CryoSat-2, de ruimtespion die kickt op kou = CryoSat-2, l’espion spatial qui aimait le froid, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 70-74, details

Du Brulle, C. (2008) Met EPICA ontsluiert Europa de klimaatgeschiedenis van de aarde = Avec EPICA, l’Europe retrace l’histoire climatique de la Terre, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 36-38, details

Du Brulle, C. (2008) 2007-2008, een Zuidpoolzomer in het teken van het onderzoek = 2007-2008, un été austral placé sous le signe de la recherche, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 40-48, details

Mayence, J.-F. (2008) De Zuidpool als droomwereld = L’Antarctique dans nos rêves, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 75-77, details

Mayence, J.-F.; de Lichtervelde, A. (2008) Wetenschap en vrede: de wettelijke bestemming van Antarctica = Le droit consacre l’Antarctique à la science et à la paix, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 8-16, details

Mortelmans, J.; Hamerlinck, P. (2006) Het visbestand in de Noordzee, een stand van zaken. Course certificate. Onze-Lieve-Vrouw College: Oostende, Belgium. 53 pp., details

Renard, D. (2008) De Zuidpool op het internet = L’Antarctique sur le Net, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 78-81, details

Schratzberger, M.; Lampadariou, N.; Somerfield, P.J.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2009) The impact of seabed disturbance on nematode communities: linking field and laboratory observations. Mar. Biol.: 1-16, details

Starckx, S. (2008) In de ban van de pool: Belgen op Antarctica = Sous le charme du pôle: des Belges en Antarctique, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 18-23, details

Van Rooij, D.; Blamart, D.; Richter, T.O.; Wheeler, A.; Kozachenko, M.; Henriet, J.-P. (2007) Quaternary sediment dynamics in the Belgica mound province, Porcupine Seabight: ice-rafting events and contour current processes. Int. J. Earth Sci. 96(1): 121-140, details

Vancauwenberghe, M.; Lepoivre, X. (2008) Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid als hoeksteen van een Belgisch Antarcticabeleid = La Politique scientifique fédérale, pilier central d’une politique belge en Antarctique, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 34-35, details

Verkest, M. (1898) Een hoekje der Vlaamsche kust: Nieuwpoort - Veurne - Diksmuide. J. Vuylsteke: Gent, Belgium. 41 pp., details

Verweire, E. (2008) Belgen bouwen meest milieuvriendelijke poolbasis ooit = Des Belges construisent la base polaire la plus écologique jamais vue, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 50-55, details

Verweire, E. (2008) Een eeuw onderzoek op de Zuidpool = Un siècle de recherche au pôle Sud, in: de Lichtervelde, A. et al. (Ed.) (2008). België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. pp. 24-33, details

VLIZ Alien Species Consortium (2009) Amerikaanse boormossel - Petricola pholadiformis. Niet-inheemse soorten van het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en aanpalende estuaria. VLIZ Information Sheets, 16. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende, Belgium. 5 pp., details



VLIZ Alien Species Consortium (2009) Amerikaanse boormossel - Petricola pholadiformis. Niet-inheemse soorten van het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en aanpalende estuaria. VLIZ Information Sheets, 16. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende, Belgium. 5 pp., details



Fengshan, X.; Suping, Z. (Ed.) (2008) An illustrated Bivalvia Mollusca fauna of China Seas. Chinese Corporation for Promotion of Humanities: China. ISBN 978-7-03-021339-6. 336 pp., details

Götting, K.-J. (2008) Meeres-Gehäuseschnecken Deutschlands: Mollusca II. Bestimmungsschlüssel, Lebensweise, Verbreitung. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise, 80. ConchBooks: Hackenheim, Germany. ISBN 978-3939767-13-8. 180 pp., details

Rothschild, B.J. (Ed.) (1983) Global fisheries: perspectives for the 1980s. Springer Series on Environmental Management. Springer Verlag: New York NY (USA). 289 pp., details

Steele, J.H. (Ed.) (1970) Marine food chains: Proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, from 23rd to 26th July, 1968. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA (USA). ISBN 520-013972-2. viii, 552 pp., details

Verkest, M. (1898) Een hoekje der Vlaamsche kust: Nieuwpoort - Veurne - Diksmuide. J. Vuylsteke: Gent, Belgium. 41 pp., details



Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 96(2). 2009

  • Jordaens, K.; Dillen, L.; Backeljau, T. Shell shape and mating behaviour in pulmonate gastropods (Mollusca), details
  • MacColl, A.D.C. (2009) Parasites may contribute to 'magic trait' evolution in the adaptive radiation of three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus (Gasterosteiformes: Gasterosteidae), details

Springer Series on Environmental Management

Rothschild, B.J. (Ed.) (1983) Global fisheries: perspectives for the 1980s. Springer Series on Environmental Management. Springer Verlag: New York NY (USA). 289 pp.

  • Rothschild, B.J. (1983) Introduction, details
  • Burke, W.T. (1983) Extended fisheries jurisdiction and the new Law of the Sea, details
  • Székely, A. (1983) Implementing the new Law of the Sea: the Mexican experience, details
  • McHugh, J.L. (1983) Jeffersonian democracy and the fisheries revisited, details
  • Joseph, J. (1983) International tuna management revisited, details
  • Rothschild, B.J. (1983) Achievement of fisheries management goals in the 1980s, details
  • Gulland, J.A. (1983) Managing fisheries in an imperfect world, details
  • Brewer, G.D. (1983) The management challenges of world fisheries, details
  • Anderson, L.G. (1983) Economics and the fisheries management development process, details
  • Larkin, P.A. (1983) How much is enough? An essay on the structure of fisheries management agencies, details
  • Kesteven, G.L. (1983) Fisheries research in developing countries, details
  • Cushing, D.H. (1983) The outlook for fisheries research in the next ten years, details

Steele, J.H. (Ed.) (1970) Marine food chains: Proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, from 23rd to 26th July, 1968. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA (USA). ISBN 520-013972-2; viii, 552 pp.

  • Khailov, K.M.; Finenko, Z.Z. Organic macromolecular compounds dissolved in sea water and their inclusion into food chains, details
  • McIntyre, A.D. et al.. Energy flow in a sand ecosystem, details
  • Finenko, Z.Z.; Zaika, V.E. Particulate organic matter and its role in the productivity of the sea, details
  • Qasim, S.Z. Some problems related to the food chain in a tropical estuary, details
  • Marshall, N. Food transfer through the lower trophic levels of the benthic environment, details
  • Mullin, M.M.; Brooks, E.R. Growth and metabolism of two planktonic, marine copepods as influenced by temperature and type of food, details
  • Ivleva, I.V. The influence of temperature on the transformation of matter in marine invertebrates, details
  • Sushchenya, L.M. Food rations, metabolism and growth of crustaceans, details
  • Petipa, T.S. et al.. The food web structure, utilization and transport of energy by trophic levels in the planktonic communities, details
  • Reeve, M.R. The biology of Chaetognatha: 1. Quantitative aspects of growth and egg production in Sagitta hispida, details
  • Winter, J. Filter feeding and food utilization in Arctica islandica L. andModiolus modiolus L. at different food concentrations, details
  • Zatsepin, V.I. On the significance of various ecological groups of animals in the bottom communities of the Greenland, Norwegian and the Barents Seas, details
  • Nemoto, T. Feeding pattern of baleen whales in the ocean, details
  • Birkett, L. Experimental determination of food conversion and its application to ecology, details
  • Lasker, R. Utilization of zooplankton energy by a Pacific sardine population in the California current, details
  • Trevallion, A. et al.. Dynamics of a benthic bivalve, details
  • Gulland, J.A. Food chain studies and some problems in world fisheries, details
  • Parsons, T.R.; LeBrasseur, R.J. The availability of food to different trophic levels in the marine food chain, details
  • Rosenthal, H.; Hempel, G. Experimental studies in feeding and food requirements of herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.), details
  • McAllister, C.D. Zooplankton rations, phytoplankton mortality and the estimation of marine production, details
  • Greze, V.N. The biomass and production of different trophic levels in the pelagic communities of south seas, details

Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 155(2) 2009

  • Kriwet, J.; Nunn, E.V.; Klug, S. Neoselachians (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Lower and lower Upper Cretaceous of north-eastern Spain, details



Nature (Lond.) 457(7232) 2009

  • Howlett, R. Three into one will go, details [News & views]



Science (Wash.) 323(5916) 2009

  • Gerber, L.H.; Morissette, L.; Kaschner, K.; Pauly, D. Should whales be culled to increase fishery yield? details [Policy forum]



Anon. (2008) Dover Marine Laboratory: celebrating a century of excellence in marine science. Newcastle University: North Shields, UK. 19 pp., details

de Lichtervelde, A.; Demoitié, P.; Du Brulle, C.; Lepoivre, X.; Mayence, J.-F.; Renard, D.; Scheers, R.; Starckx, S.; Vancauwenberghe, M.; Verweire, E. (Ed.) (2008) België en Antarctica: ontdekking, wetenschap en leefmilieu = La Belgique et l’Antarctique: exploration, science et environnement. Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid = Belgian Science Policy = Politique Scientifique Fédérale: Brussel, Belgium. 84 + 4 maps Antarcticagebied met Belgische toponymen pp., details



Duda, T.F. (2008) Differentiation of venoms of predatory marine gastropods: divergence of orthologous toxin genes of closely related Conus species with different dietary specializations. J. Mol. Evol. 67(3): 315-321, details

Gibson-Brown, J.J.; Hartenstein, V. (2008) The amphioxus genome sequence illuminates the evolutionary origin of vertebrates. Dev. Genes Evol. 218(11-12): 575-578, details

Johannesson, K. (2009) Inverting the null-hypothesis of speciation: a marine snail perspective. Evol. Ecol. 23(1): 5-16, details

Murphy, G.I. (1966) Population biology of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops caerulea). Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 34(1): 1-84, details

Muus, K. (1966) A quantitative 3-year-survey on the meiofauna of known macrofauna communities in the Öresund. Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremenh. 2: 289-292, details

Pearse, J.S. (1968) Patterns of reproductive periodicities in four species of Indo-Pacific echinoderms. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.) 68: 247-279, details

Smith, M.S.; Collins, S.; Raff, R.A. (2009) Morphogenetic mechanisms of coelom formation in the direct-developing sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma. Dev. Genes Evol. 219(1): 21-29, details

Summers, R.W. (1980) The diet and feeding behaviour of the flounder Platichthys flesus (L.) in the Ythan estuary, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Estuar. Coast. Mar. Sci. 11: 217-232, details



Mortelmans, J.; Hamerlinck, P. (2006) Het visbestand in de Noordzee, een stand van zaken. Course certificate. Onze-Lieve-Vrouw College: Oostende, Belgium. 53 pp., details

Smallegange, I.M. (2007) Interference competition and patch choice in foraging shore crabs. PhD Thesis. Universiteit van Amsterdam: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-76894-74-4. 292 pp., details

  • Smallegange, I.M. (2007) General introduction: Interference and patch choice of foragers, with a focus on predatory aquatic invertebrates, details
  • Smallegange, I.M.; van der Meer, J. (2007) Why do shore crabs not prefer the most profitable mussels? details
  • Smallegange, I.M.; Eppenga, J.M.A.; van der Meer, J. (2007) Optimal foraging and risk of claw damage: how flexible are shore crabs in their prey size selectivity? details
  • Smallegange, I.M.; Sabelis, M.W.; van der Meer, J. (2007) Assessment games in shore crab fights, details
  • Smallegange, I.M.; van der Meer, J.; Kurvers, R.H.J.M. (2007) Disentangling interference competition from exploitative competition in a crab-bivalve system using a novel experimental approach, details
  • van der Meer, J.; Smallegange, I.M. (2007) Interference among a finite number of predators: a stochastic version of the Beddington-DeAngelis functional response model, details
  • Smallegange, I.M.; van der Meer, J. (2007) A rigorous test of a stochastic model of interference in foraging predators, details
  • Smallegange, I.M.; van der Meer, J.; Sabelis, M.W. (2007) 'Take-away' foraging spatially uncouples predator and prey-attack distributions, details
  • Smallegange, I.M.; van der Meer, J. (2007) Interference from a game theoretical perspective: shore crabs suffer most from equal competitors, details
  • Smallegange, I.M.; van der Meer, J.; Van Noordwijk, C.T.G.E. (2007) Distributions of ideal, free but unequal predators are not necessarily (semi-)truncated, details
  • Smallegange, I.M.; Van Noordwijk, C.T.G.E.; van der Meer, J.; van der Veer, H.W. (2007) Observed, mixed distributions of shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) foraging in a tidal environment agree with predictions from a mechanistic, ideal free distribution model, details
  • Smallegange, I.M. (2007) General discussion: Pitfalls and perspectives in studying interference and patch choice of foragers, details



VLIZ-LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS / Oostende : Flanders Marine Institute, 2009
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