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OPEN MARINE ARCHIVE (OMA): the open repository of publications by Flemish/Belgian scientists.

Franco, M.A.; Soetaert, K.; Costa, M.J.; Vincx, M.; Vanaverbeke, J. (2008) Uptake of phytodetritus by meiobenthos using 13C labelled diatoms and Phaeocystis in two contrasting sediments from the North Sea. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 362(1): 1-8, details

Meire, P.; Maris, T. (2008) MONEOS: Geïntegreerde monitoring van het Schelde-estuarium. ECOBE (Ecosystem Management Research Group) Rapport, 08-R-113. Universiteit Antwerpen: Antwerpen, Belgium. 176 pp., details

Mouchet, A.; Deleersnijder, E. (2008) The leaky funnel model, a metaphor of the ventilation of the World Ocean as simulated in an OGCM. Tellus 60A: 761-774, details

Stienen, E.; Courtens, W.; Everaert, J.; Van de Walle, M. (2008) Sex-biased mortality of common terns in wind farm collisions. Condor 110(1): 154-157, details



Dickson, A.G.; Goyet, C. (Ed.) (1994) Handbook of methods for the analysis of the various parameters of the carbon dioxide system in sea water. Version 2. Department of Energy (DOE): USA. 187 pp., details

Dickson, A.G.; Sabine, C.L.; Christian, J.R. (Ed.) (2007) Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements. Pices Special Publication, 3. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES): Sidney, BC (Canada). 175 pp., details

Gollasch, S.; Minchin, D.; Rosenthal, H.; Voigt, M. (Ed.) (1999) Exotics across the ocean. Case histories on introduced species: their general biology, distribution, range expansion and impact: prepared by Members of the European Union Concerted Action on testing monitoring systems for risk assessment of harmful introductions by ships to European waters (MAS-CT-97-0111). Department of Fishery Biology, Institute for Marine Science, University of Kiel, Germany: Germany. ISBN 3-89722-248-5. 73 pp., details

Kurlansky, M. (2008) The last fish tale: the fate of the Atlantic and survival in Gloucester, America's oldest fishing port and most original town. Ballantine Books: New York, NY (USA). ISBN 978-0-345-48727-8. 269 pp., details



Aquaculture International 16(3) 2008

  • Park, J. et al.. Growth performance of disk abalone Haliotis discus hannai in pilot- and commercial-scale recirculating aquaculture systems, details
  • Domingues, P. et al.. Growth, absorption and assimilation efficiency by mature cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) fed with alternative and artificial diets, details
  • Asha, P.S.; Muthiah, P. Reproductive biology of the commercial sea cucumber Holothuria spinifera (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India, details
  • Le François, N.R. et al.. Sperm cryoconservation in Anarhichas sp., endangered cold-water aquaculture species with internal fertilization, details


Gollasch, S.; Minchin, D.; Rosenthal, H.; Voigt, M. (Ed.) (1999) Exotics across the ocean. Case histories on introduced species: their general biology, distribution, range expansion and impact: prepared by Members of the European Union Concerted Action on testing monitoring systems for risk assessment of harmful introductions by ships to European waters (MAS-CT-97-0111). Department of Fishery Biology, Institute for Marine Science, University of Kiel, Germany: Germany. ISBN 3-89722-248-5. 73 pp., details

  • Laing, I. Coscinodiscus wailesii (Gran & Angst 1931), Bacillariophyceae, Centrales, Coscinodiscaceae (a centric diatom), details
  • MacDonald, E. Gyrodinium aureolum (Hulburt), Gymnodiniaceae, Dinophyceae, dinoflagellate (single celled alga), details
  • Wallentinus, I. Marine brown seaweed: Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar, Laminariales, Phaeophyceae (Japanese kelp), details
  • Wallentinus, I. Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt, Sargassaceae, Fucales, Phaeophyceae (Japweed, wire weed, strangle weed), details
  • Voigt, M. Ensis directus (Conrad, 1843), Solenidae, Bivalvia ( Jackknife clam, razor clam), details
  • Olenin, S. et al.. Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) Dreissenidae, Bivalvia (Zebra mussel), details
  • Minchin, D. Crepidula fornicata (Linneaus, 1758), Calyptraeidae, Gastropoda (Slipper limpet, Crepidule), details
  • Leppäkoski, E. Balanus improvisus (Darwin 1854), Balanidae, Cirripedia (Acorn barnacle), details
  • Gollasch, S. Eriocheir sinensis (Milne-Edwards, 1854), (Brachyura, Decapoda) - Chinese mitten crab, details
  • Daunys, D. et al.. Marenzelleria cf. viridis (Verrill, 1873) Annelida, Polychaeta, Spionidae, details
  • Skora, K. et al.. Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1811) Gobiidae, Osteichtys (Black spotted goby), details



Nature (Lond.) 454(7202) 2008

  • Anon. Sea skeletons, details [Research highlights]
  • Anon. Lionfish not a roaring success for coral reefs, details [News]
  • Turgeon, S.C.; Creaser, R.A. Cretaceous oceanic anoxic event 2 triggered by a massive magmatic episode, details [Letters]



Science (Wash.) 321(5887) 2008

  • Kerr, R.A. Caribbean megaeruptions drove a global ocean crisis, details [News of the week]
  • Bohannon, J. Listening to distant ice crack, details [News focus]
  • Margoliash, D.; Hale, M.E. Vertebrate vocalizations, details [Perspectives]
  • Smale, D.A. et al.. Ice scour disturbance in Antarctic waters, details [Brevia]
  • Bass, A.H. et al.. Evolutionary origins for social vocalization in a vertebrate hindbrain-spinal compartment, details [Reports]



Anon. (2007) OSPAR Commission, 2007: Monitoring of marine litter on beaches in the OSPAR region. Assessment and Monitoring Series. OSPAR Commission: London, UK. 74 pp., details

Meire, P.; Maris, T. (2008) MONEOS: Geïntegreerde monitoring van het Schelde-estuarium. ECOBE (Ecosystem Management Research Group) Rapport, 08-R-113. Universiteit Antwerpen: Antwerpen, Belgium. 176 pp., details

van der Winden, J.; Tentij, M.; van Beusekom, R.F.J. (Ed.) (2008) Beschermingsplan duin- en kustvogels: Basisrapport deel B. Bureau Waardenburg/Vogelbescherming Nederland: The Netherlands. 127 pp., details

van der Winden, J.; van Beusekom, R.F.J.; Tentij, M. (2008) Beschermingsplan duin- en kustvogels: Basisrapport deel A: Achtergronddocument. Bureau Waardenburg/Vogelbescherming Nederland: The Netherlands. 66 pp., details



Arnold, W.S. (2008) Application of larval release for restocking and stock enhancement of coastal marine bivalve populations. Rev. Fish. Sci. 16(1-3): 65-71, details

Comiso, J.C.; Parkinson, C.L.; Gersten, R.; Stock, L. (2008) Accelerated decline in the Arctic sea ice cover. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35(1): L01703(1-6), details

Cranford, P.J.; Strain, P.M.; Dowd, M.; Hargrave, B.T.; Grant, J.; Archambault, M.-C. (2007) Influence of mussel aquaculture on nitrogen dynamics in a nutrient enriched coastal embayment. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 347: 61-78, details

Doodson, A.T.; Corkan, R.H. (1933) The principal constituent of the tides in the English and Irish Channels. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (A Phys. Sci. Eng.) 231: 29-53, details

Ford, J.S.; Myers, R.A. (2008) A global assessment of salmon aquaculture impacts on wild salmonids. PLoS Biology 6(2): 0411-0417, details

Gili, J.-M.; Hughes, R.G. (1995) The ecology of marine benthic hydroids. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 33: 351-426, details

Hempel, C. (1957) Über den Röhrenbau und die Nahrungsaufnahme einiger Spioniden (Polychaeta sedentaria) der deutshen Küsten. Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 6(1): 100-135, details

Kamstra, A. (1990) Anguillicola in Dutch eelfarms: current state. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 75(6): 867-874, details

Rohling, E.J.; Grant, K.; Hemleben, Ch.; Siddall, M.; Hoogakker, B.A.A.; Bolshaw, M.; Kucera, M. (2008) High rates of sea-level rise during the last interglacial period. Nature Geoscience 1(1): 38-42, details

Stott, P.A.; Huntingford, C.; Jones, C.D.; Kettleborough, J.A. (2008) Observed climate change constrains the likelihood of extreme future global warming. Tellus 60B(1): 76-81, details



Verfaillie, E. (2008) Development and validation of spatial distribution models of marine habitats, in support of the ecological valuation of the seabed. PhD Thesis. Instituut voor de Aanmoediging van Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie in Vlaanderen/Universiteit Gent/RCMG: Brussel, Belgium. 207 pp., details

  • Verfaillie, E. Introduction, details
  • Verfaillie, E. et al.. Multivariate geostatistics for the predictive modelling of the surficial sand distribution in shelf seas, details
  • Verfaillie, E. et al.. Geostatistical modelling of sedimentological parameters using multi-scale terrain variables: application along the Belgian part of the North Sea, details
  • Verfaillie, E. et al.. A protocol for classifying ecologically relevant marine landscapes, a statistical approach, details
  • Degraer, S. et al.. Habitat suitability modelling as a mapping tool for macrobenthic communities: an example from the Belgian part of the North Sea, details
  • Verfaillie, E. et al.. The relevance of ecogeographical variables for marine habitat suitability modelling of Owenia fusiformis, details
  • Verfaillie, E. Discussion and conclusion, details



VLIZ-LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS / Oostende : Flanders Marine Institute, 2008
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