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OPEN MARINE ARCHIVE (OMA): the open repository of publications by Flemish/Belgian scientists.

Capart, A. (1968). Naissance de l'océanographie en Belgique. Un précurseur: le Professeur Gustave Gilson (1859-1944), in: Carpine-Lancre, J.; Leighley, J. (Ed.) (1968). First International Congres on the History of Oceanography, Monaco - 1966: communications. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(2): pp. 311-316, details


Charlier, R.H.; Leloup, E. (1968). Brief summary of some oceanographic contributions in Belgium until 1922, in: Carpine-Lancre, J.; Leighley, J. (Ed.) (1968). First International Congres on the History of Oceanography, Monaco - 1966: communications. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(2): pp. 293-310, details

Das, K.; Siebert, U. (2007) Heavy metal and endocrine disrupter impact on marine mammals, in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) (2007). Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 120-122, details

De Rouck, J.; Van de Walle, B.; Geeraerts, J. (2007) Crest level assessment of coastal structures by full scale monitoring, neural network prediction and hazard analysis on permissible wave overtopping (CLASH), in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) (2007). Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 261-262, details

Godeaux, J. (1990). Avant-propos, in: Godeaux, J.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1990). A propos des migrations lessepsiennes. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(7): pp. V-VII, details


Godeaux, J. (1990). Thaliacés de la Méditerranée proche orientale et de la mer Rouge, in: Godeaux, J.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1990). A propos des migrations lessepsiennes. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(7): pp. 131-141, details

Heip, C. (2007) Marine biodiversity - What is it and what are the problems? in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) (2007). Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 23-26, details

Henriet, J.P. (2007) Steps on the slope: Europe’s exploratory tract in ocean margin research, in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) (2007). Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 108-111, details

Henriet, J.P.; Geomound Consortium (2007) The Internal Mound Factory (GEOMOUND), in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) (2007). Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 326-327, details

Herman, P.M.J.; Escaravage, V. (2007) Biogeochemical cycles and the management of coastal ecosystems: a perspective from ELOISE research, in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) (2007). Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 80-83, details

Herman, R. (2007) Marine research infrastructures - need for a better co-ordination, in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) (2007). Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 66-69, details

Nihoul, J.C.J.; Beckers, J.-M. (1992). Diagnostic/metagnostic modelling of the western Mediterranean's general circulation with a 3D primitive equations K-e model, in: Briand, F. et al. (Ed.) (1992). Avancées en océanologie méditerranéenne. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(11): pp. 99-112, details


Wollast, R. (1994). The relative importance of biomineralization and dissolution of CaCO3 in the global carbon cycle, in: Doumenge, F. et al. (Ed.) (1994). Past and Present Biomineralization Processes. Considerations about the Carbonate Cycle. IUCN-COE Workshop, Monaco, 15-16 November 1993. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(13): pp. 13-35, details



Anon. ([1998]) Stroomatlas: Haven van Zeebrugge 1998: stroommetingen in de pas van het Zand en het centrale deel van de Nieuwe Buitenhaven. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Departement Leefmilieu en Infrastructuur, Administratie Waterinfrastructuur en Zeewezen, Afdeling Waterwegen Kust, Hydrografie: Oostende, Belgium. 91 pp., details

Anon. (1983) International Symposium on Ecotoxicological Testing for the Marine Environment, Ghent, Belgium, September 12-14, 1983: abstracts of reviews and experience papers. State University of Ghent: Gent, Belgium, details

Asaert, G.; Van Beylen, J.; Jansen, H.P.H. (Ed.) (1976) Maritieme geschiedenis der Nederlanden: Prehistorie, Romeinse tijd, middeleeuwen, vijftiende en zestiende eeuw, deel 1. De Boer Maritiem: Bussum, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-228-1946-9. 369 pp., details

Bellan, D.; Doumenge, F.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1992) Spéciation et biogéographie en mer Méditerranée. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(9). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0152-1. 145 pp., details

Briand, F.; Doumenge, F.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1992) Avancées en océanologie méditerranéenne. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(11). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0156-4. 324 pp., details

Bürgin, R.; Hofmann, H.; Lillelund, K.; Mosimann, A.; Terofal, F.; Teubner, C.; Türkay, M. (1998) Seafood. Kochbuch und Lexikon von Fisch und Meeresfrüchten. 9. Auflage 2007. Teubner Edition: München, Germany. ISBN 978-3-7742-4183-1. 448 pp., details

Carpine-Lancre, J.; Leighley, J. (Ed.) (1968) Premier congrès international d'histoire de l'océanographie, Monaco - 1966: communications. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(2). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. 357 pp., details

Cieslikiewicz, W.; Connolly, N.; Ollier, G.; O’Sullivan, G. (Ed.) (2007) Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. European Commission: Luxembourg. ISBN 92-894-7727-X. xvi, 420 pp., details

Doumenge, F.; Allemand, D.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1994) Past and Present Biomineralization Processes. Considerations about the Carbonate Cycle. IUCN-COE Workshop, Monaco, 15-16 November 1993. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(13). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0164-5. 200 pp., details

Doumenge, F.; Doumenge, J.-P. (Ed.) (1991) Le Pacifique: l'océan, ses rivages et ses îles. Actes du colloque organisé le 6-11-1990 par la Fondation Singer-Polignac: Trente ans de recherche scientifique française dans le Pacifique (1960-1990). Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, 74(1439). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0149-1. 509 pp., details

Doumenge, F.; Durand-Chastel, H.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1993) Spiruline, algue de vie. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(12). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0158-0. 222 pp., details

Doumenge, F.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1992) Nacres et perles. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(8). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0150-5. 162 pp., details

Doumenge, F.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1992) Les anguilles: contribution à leur connaissance. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(10). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0153-X. 147 pp., details

Eneman, E. (2007) 30 jaar stedelijk Noordzeeaquarium Oostende in 't Gérnaeskot: gedenkboek met foto's. Vriendenkring Noordzee-Aquarium Oostende: Oostende, Belgium, details

Fredj, G.; Roy, P.; Carpine-Lancre, J. (Ed.) (1982) Journées d'étude sur la plongée scientifique. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(3). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0134-3. 201 pp., details

Godeaux, J.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1990) A propos des migrations lessepsiennes. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(7). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0144-0. 152 pp., details

Kelly, M. (2007) The marine fauna of New Zealand: Porifera: Lithistid Demospongiae (rock sponges). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir, 121. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA): New Zealand. 100 pp., details

Maigret, J.; Toulemont, A. (Ed.) (1989) Deuxième Congrès international d'Aquariologie (22-27 février 1988) Musée océanographique, Monaco. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(5). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0141-6. 401 pp., details

Roy, P.; Fredj, G. (Ed.) (1985) Deuxièmes journées d'étude sur la plongée scientifique. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, Numéro spécial(4). Musée Océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0136-X. 216 pp., details

Witters, H.; Vanderborght, O. (Ed.) (1987) Ecophysiology of acid stress in aquatic organisms: International symposium 13-16 Jan. 1987, Antwerp (Belgium). Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique = Annalen van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Dierkunde, 117(Suppl. 1). Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Dierkunde = Société royale zoologique de Belgique: Gent, Belgium. 472 pp., details



Aquat. Bot. 87(1)

  • Kopp, D. et al. Diel differences in the seagrass fish assemblages of a Caribbean island in relation to adjacent habitat types, details
  • Morita, T. et al. Density and distribution of seeds in bottom sediments in Zostera marina beds in Ago Bay, central Japan, details
  • Hauxwell, J. et al. An annual cycle of biomass and productivity of Vallisneria americana in a subtropical spring-fed estuary, details
  • van Loon, A.F. et al. Hydrological classification in mangrove areas: A case study in Can Gio, Vietnam, details
  • Durako, M.J. Leaf optical properties and photosynthetic leaf absorptances in several Australian seagrasses, details

Aquat. Ecol. 41(2)

  • Bologna, P.A.X. Impact of differential predation potential on eelgrass (Zostera marina) faunal community structure, details
  • Lindén, E. The more the merrier: Swarming as an antipredator strategy in the mysid Neomysis integer, details
  • Rocha-Ramírez, A. et al. Invertebrate assemblages associated with root masses of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laubach 1883 in the Alvarado Lagoonal System, Veracruz, Mexico, details

Aquat. Toxicol. 84(1)

  • Tran, D. et al. Protective effects of selenium on mercury-induced DNA damage in mussel haemocytes, details
  • Di Bello, D. et al. Presence and inducibility by ß-naphthoflavone of CYP1A1, CYP1B1 and phase II enzymes in Trematomus bernacchii, an Antarctic fish, details
  • Nieves-Puigdoller, K. et al. Effects of hexazinone and atrazine on the physiology and endocrinology of smolt development in Atlantic salmon, details
  • Rank, J. et al. DNA damage, acetylcholinesterase activity and lysosomal stability in native and transplanted mussels (Mytilus edulis) in areas close to coastal chemical dumping sites in Denmark, details
  • Pinho, G.L.L. et al. Physiological effects of copper in the euryhaline copepod Acartia tonsa: Waterborne versus waterborne plus dietborne exposure, details
  • Moore, M.N. et al. Autophagic and lysosomal reactions to stress in the hepatopancreas of blue mussels, details
  • Gagnaire, B. et al. Combination of a pesticide exposure and a bacterial challenge: In vivo effects on immune response of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg), details
  • Alonso-Alvarez, C. et al. Effects of acute exposure to heavy fuel oil from the Prestige spill on a seabird, details

Asaert, G.; Van Beylen, J.; Jansen, H.P.H. (Ed.) (1976) Maritieme geschiedenis der Nederlanden: Prehistorie, Romeinse tijd, middeleeuwen, vijftiende en zestiende eeuw, deel 1. De Boer Maritiem: Bussum, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-228-1946-9. 369 pp., details

  • van der Heide, G.D. Schepen van de oudste tijd, details
  • Asaert, G. Scheepvaart van het zuiden tot 1400, details
  • Jansen, H.P.H. Scheepvaart van het noorden tot 1400, details
  • Van Beylen, J. Scheepstypen, details
  • Unger, R.W. Scheepsbouw en scheepsbouwers, details
  • Asaert, G. Scheepsbezit en havens, details
  • De Groote, H.L.V. Zeeverzekering, details
  • van den Auweele, D. Zeerecht, details
  • Van Roey, J. Zeelui aan de wal, details
  • Schilder, G.; Bruyns, W.F.J.M. Zeekaarten en navigatie-instrumenten, details
  • Van Roey, J. Handelsvaart van de Zuidnederlanders, details
  • Jansen, H.P.H. Handelsvaart van de Noordnederlanders, details
  • Danhieux, L. Visserij van de Zuidnederlanders, details
  • Kranenburg, H.A.H.B. Visserij van de Noordnederlanders, details
  • Pollentier, F. Admiraliteit, details
  • De Meij, J.C.A. Oorlogsvaart, kaapvaart en zeeroof, details

Cieslikiewicz, W.; Connolly, N.; Ollier, G.; O’Sullivan, G. (Ed.) (2007) Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. European Commission: Luxembourg. ISBN 92-894-7727-X. xvi, 420 pp., details

  • Cookson, C. Communicating science, details
  • Joyce, J. Session Report: The role of ecosystem and biodiversity research in the conservation of natural reserves and marine resources, details
  • Bianchi, G. The role of fishery science in fisheries management: lessons from the past and perspectives for the future, details
  • Frid, C. The science needed to underpin ecosystem-based management of European seas, details
  • Ianora, A. Marine biotechnology and biodiversity: use of marine organisms as sources of pharmaceuticals and other biologically active compounds, details
  • Heip, C. Marine biodiversity - What is it and what are the problems?, details
  • Ryder, P. Developments in operational oceanographic and meteorological services for the maritime environment, details
  • Reichert, K. Research in support of the security of the maritime environment - including the specific involvement of an SME, details
  • Telle, N. European marine transport research supporting the ocean environment, details
  • Wilkins, T. Tanker transport and ocean environment, details
  • Marks, J. Session Report: FP6 & the European research area, details
  • Mathy, P. ERA and FP6 marine research in Europe, details
  • Canário, A.V.M.; Boyen, C. FP6 NOE marine genomics management and co-ordination, details
  • Rizo, J. European strategy for the preservation and the conservation of the marine environment: knowledge requirements, details
  • Herman, R. Marine research infrastructures - need for a better co-ordination, details
  • Minster, J.-F. Marine sciences in the global context, details
  • Shields, Y. Session Report: Natural and anthropogenic impacts on coastal ecosystems, details
  • Mee, L. Marine and coastal conservation: an achievable goal in a new Europe?, details
  • Herman, P.M.J.; Escaravage, V. Biogeochemical cycles and the management of coastal ecosystems: a perspective from ELOISE research, details
  • Turner, R.K. Integrated coastal science and management: current status and future prospects, details
  • Pontes, M.T. The ocean: an inexhaustible renewable energy source, details
  • Busto, L.F. Session Report: Exploration of the European ocean margin, its deep sea resources and ecosystems, details
  • Haq, B.U. Ocean margins research: science, stakeholders and societal relevance, details
  • Wefer, G. et al. Ocean margin systems – scientific challenges and new technologies, details
  • Giuliano, L. Frontiers in deep-sea biological research: towards understanding the functional and structural adaptation of marine microbial communities to the deep-sea ocean margins, details
  • Henriet, J.P. Steps on the slope: Europe’s exploratory tract in ocean margin research, details
  • Reinart, A. Session Report: The contribution of the young generations to the future of the European Marine Research Area: Marie Curie Fellowships in the domain of marine sciences, details
  • Bingen, G. The Marie Curie Fellowship support scheme, details
  • Das, K.; Siebert, U. Heavy metal and endocrine disrupter impact on marine mammals, details
  • Ocalewicz, K.; Mambrini, M. Understanding vitamin C requirements in fish, details
  • Popescu, I. Gas and hydrates in the Black-Sea, details
  • Stobberup, K.A. Career-paths after a Marie Curie Fellowship, details
  • Freiwald, A. Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study (ACES), details
  • Rico, J.M. Algal Introductions to European Shores (ALIENS), details
  • Szaniawska, A.; Dmochowska, B. Centre of Excellence for Baltic Development, Education and Research (BALTDER), details
  • Gasol, J.M. et al. Bacterial single-cell approaches to the relationschip between diversity and function in the sea (BASICS), details
  • Booman, C.; Giske, J. Bergen Advanced Training Site in Marine Ecology (BATMARE), details
  • Booman, C.; Aksnes, D. Bergen Marine Food Chain Research Infrastructure (BERGEN MARINE), details
  • Corselli, C. et al. Biotechnologies from the Deep - (BIODEEP), details
  • Kononen, K. Bonus for Baltic Sea Science: Network of funding agencies - (BONUS), details
  • Shimield, G.B. Integrating new technologies for the study of benthic ecosystem response to human activity: towards a Coastal Ocean Benthic Observatory (COBO), details
  • Bamstedt, U. Eupean Gelatinous Zooplankton: Mechanisms behind jellyfish blooms and their ecological and socio-economic effects (EUROGEL), details
  • Kochzius, M. et al. Towards DNA chip technology as a standard analytical tool for the identification of marine organisms (Fish & Chips), details
  • Boyen, C. Implementation of high-throughput genomic approaches to investigate the functioning of marine ecosystems and the biology of marine organisms (Marine Genomics), details
  • Amann, H. et al. Lead potential of marine micro-organisms from coastal, shelf and deep-sea sediments, a comparative assessment for optimized research strategies (MICROMAR), details
  • López-López, A. et al. Microbial marine communities diversity: from culture to function (MIRACLE), details
  • van Treeck, P. et al. Development of non-degrading, NOvel MArine TEChnologies for the sustainable exploitation and protection of Mediterranean marine resources (NOMATEC), details
  • Vaulot, D. et al. Monitoring the diversity of photosynthetic picoplankton in marine waters (PICODIV), details
  • Dixon, D.R. et al. Deep-sea hydrothermal vents: a natural pollution laboratory (VENTOX), details
  • Lacroix, D.; Zambonino, J.L. Access to South European Finfish Aquaculture Facilities (ASEFAF), details
  • Pierce, G.J. et al. Cephalopod stocks in European waters: review, analysis, assessment and sustainable management (CEPHSTOCK), details
  • Righton, D. et al. Cod spatial dynamics and vertical movements in European waters and implications for fishery management (CODYSSEY), details
  • Kell, L. Creation of multi-annual management plans for commitment (COMMIT), details
  • Austen, M.C.; Emblow, C.S. Costing the impact of demersal fishing on marine ecosystem processes and biodiversity: a holistic framework linking fisheries, environment and socio-economics (COST-IMPACT), details
  • Nielsen, J.R. et al. Operational evaluation tools for fisheries management options (EFIMAS), details
  • Fuchs, J. The effect of turbidity and hypoxia on the behaviour of coastal marine fishes (ETHOFISH), details
  • Greenstreet, S.P.R.; Robinson, L.A. Managing fisheries to conserve groundfish and benthic invertebrate species diversity (MAFCONS), details
  • Fuchs, J. Mutualisation of fisheries and aquaculture European research institutes (MUTFISHARE), details
  • Jakobsen, T. Population structure, reproductive strategies and demography of redfish (genus Sebastes) in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters (ICES V, XII and XIV; NAFO 1) (REDFISH), details
  • Fuchs, J. Response of benthic communities and sediment to different regimens of fishing disturbance in European coastal waters (RESPONSE), details
  • Bogason, S. Sharing responsibilities in fisheries management (RESPONSIBLE), details
  • Portela, J. et al. Promoting higher added value to a finfish species rejected to sea (ROCKCOD), details
  • Hansen, G. et al. The impact of UVR and climate conditions on fish stocks: a case study of the northeast Arctic cod (UVAC), details
  • Lebaron, P. et al. Structure and role of biological communities involved in the transport and transformation of persistent pollutants at the marine AIR-Water Interface (AIRWIN), details
  • Pierce, G.J. et al. Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in small cetaceans in European waters: transport pathways and impact on reproduction (BIOCET), details
  • Yakimov, M.M. et al. Community of Marine Microrganisms for Oil Degradation (COMMODE), details
  • Krom, M. et al. Cycling of phosphorus in the Eastern Mediterranean (CYCLOPS), details
  • Granéli, E. et al. Transfer and fate of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) toxins in European marine waters (FATE), details
  • Gatelis, V. et al. Laser fluorsensor for oil spot detection (FLUOSENSE), details
  • Tom, M. et al. Genomic tools for bio-monitoring of pollutant coastal impact (GENIPOL), details
  • Blauw, A.N. et al. Harmful Algal Blooms Expert System (HABES), details
  • Caumette, P. The cluster impacts (Impacts Workshop 1), details
  • Lykousis, V. Impact of Natural and Trawling Events on Resuspension, Dispersion and Fate of Pollutants (INTERPOL), details
  • Caumette, P. Role of microbial mats in the biodegradation of oil and hydrocarbons in the coastal zones (MATBIOPOL), details
  • Jickells, T. et al. Marine Effects of Atmospheric Deposition (MEAD), details
  • Pirrone, N. An integrated approach to assess the mercury cycling in the Mediterranean basin (MERCYMS), details
  • Schmidt, H. et al. Multiparametric in-situ Spectroscopic Measuring Platform for Coastal Monitoring (MISPEC), details
  • Postma, D.; Andersen, M.S. Nitrate from Aquifers and influences on carbon cycling in Marine Ecosystems (NAME), details
  • van Rijn, L.C. et al. Sand transport and morphology of offshore sand mining pits/areas (SANDPIT), details
  • Caiti, A. et al. Seafloor imaging and toxicity: assessment of risk caused by buried waste (SITAR), details
  • Hlebarov, V. et al. Automatic surface pollution detection: low cost automatic oil on water detection (SPOT), details
  • Finke, N. et al. Transport, reactions and dynamics of heavy metals in contaminated marine sediments (TREAD), details
  • Sulisz, W. Centre for Environmental Engineering and Mechanics (CEM), details
  • De Rouck, J. et al. Crest level assessment of coastal structures by full scale monitoring, neural network prediction and hazard analysis on permissible wave overtopping (CLASH), details
  • Davidson, M.A. The CoastView Project (COASTVIEW), details
  • Cook, P. et al. Coastal sands as biocatalytic filters (COSA), details
  • Lignell, R. et al. Detection and Analysis of Nutrient Limitation (DANLIM), details
  • Kroiss, H. et al. Nutrient management in the Danube Basin and its impact on the Black Sea (DANUBS), details
  • Lamberti, A.; Zanuttigh, B. Environmental design of low-crested coastal defence structures (DELOS), details
  • Søndergaard, M. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in coastal ecosystems: transport, dynamics and environmental impact (DOMAINE), details
  • Salomons, W. Past, present and future catchments changes and their impact on the coast (EUROCAT), details
  • Jedrasik, J. et al. The impact of the Vistula river on the coastal waters of the Gulf of Gdansk, scenarios analyses by ecohydrodynamic model EUROCAT - PL), details
  • Panin, N. Euro-EcoGeoCentre Romania, details
  • Brockmann, C. et al. A system of hierarchical monitoring methods for assessing changes in the biological and physical state of intertidal area (HIMOM), details
  • Graziottin, F. et al. In-situ automated monitoring of trace metal speciation in estuaries and coastal zones in relation with the biogeochemical processes (IMTEC), details
  • Borum, J. et al. Monitoring and managing of European seagrass beds (M&MS), details
  • Conley, D.J. et al. Monitoring long-term trends in eutrophication and nutrients in the coastal zone (MOLTEN), details
  • Marrasé, C. et al. Nutrient dynamics mediated through turbulence and plankton interactions (NTAP), details
  • Ziemer, F. et al. Operational Radar and Optical Mapping in monitoring hydrodynamic, morphodynamic and environmental parameter for coastal management (OROMA), details
  • Busby, J. et al. Developing tools for the prediction of catastrophic coastal cliff collapse (PROTECT), details
  • Humborg, C. Silicate and Baltic Sea Ecosystem Response (SIBER), details
  • Capus, C. et al. Automatic evaluation of trawling impacts, sediment stability and coral carbonate mounds using UUVs (AMASON), details
  • Perissoratis, C. et al. Exploration and evaluation of the eastern Mediterranean Sea gas hydrates and the associated deep biosphere (ANAXIMANDER), details
  • Rolin, J.F. et al. Array of sensors for long-term seabed monitoring of geohazards (ASSEM), details
  • Lericolais, G. et al. Holocene Black Sea sedimentary system (ASSEMBLAGE), details
  • Mienert, J. Continental Slope Stability (COSTA), details
  • Parkes, R.J. et al. Development and assessment of new techniques and approaches for detecting sub-seafloor bacteria and their interaction with the geosphere processes (DEEPBUG), details
  • Dullo, W.-Chr. et al. Environmental controls on mound formation along the European margin (ECOMOUND), details
  • Ludden, J.; Mevel, C. The European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD-net), details
  • Trincardi, F. European Co-ordination on Mediterranean and Black Sea Prodeltas (EURODELTA), details
  • Weaver, P.; EUROSTRATAFORM Consortium European Margin Strata Formation (EUROSTRATAFORM), details
  • Sarrazin, J. et al. EXtreme ecosystem studies in the deep OCEan: Technological Developments (EXOCET/D), details
  • Henriet, J.P.; Geomound Consortium The Internal Mound Factory (GEOMOUND), details
  • Francis, T. et al. Deployment of HYACE tools in New Test on Hydrates (HYACINTH), details
  • Westbrook, G.K. et al. Techniques for the quantification of methane hydrate in European continental margins (HYDRATECH), details
  • Le Guen, Y. Marine Environment Test and Research Infrastructure (METRI), details
  • Borowski, C. et al. Methane fluxes in ocean margin sediments: microbiological and geochemical control (METROL), details
  • Flueh, E.R. Ocean bottom seismic instruments and advanced marine seismic reflection data imaging and analysis (OBSIDIAN), details
  • Mienert, J. Ocean Margin Research Consortium (OMARC), details
  • Berné, S. et al. Profiles across Mediterranean sedimentary systems (PROMESS 1), details
  • Evans, D.; STRATEGEM Partners Stratigraphical Development of the Glaciated European Margin (STRATAGEM), details
  • Johannessen, T. et al. Tracer and Circulation in the Nordic Seas (TRACTOR), details
  • Bryden, I.G. et al. Optimising the Performance (electrical and economic) of Tidal Current Turbines (OPTCURRENT), details
  • Aaberg, R.J. et al. Renewable energy from the osmotic power potential in European estuaries (SALINITY POWER), details
  • Soerensen, H.C. et al. Sea testing and optimisation of power production on a scale 1:4:5 test rig of the offshore Wave Energy Converter Wave Dragon (WAVEDRAGON), details
  • Passerieux, J.-M. et al. Acoustic Communication network for Monitoring of underwater Environment in coastal areas (ACME), details
  • Send, U. et al. Atlantic Network of Interdisciplinary Moorings and Time-series for Europe (ANIMATE), details
  • Cordoneanu, E. et al. Development of the Black Sea Nowcasting/Forecasting System (part of ARENA), details
  • Fahrbach, E.; Beszczynska-Möller, A. Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Flux array for European climate: North (ASOF-N), details
  • Jansen, E.; Balino, B. Coordinated European Surface Ocean Palaeo-estimation Collaboration (CESOP), details
  • García-Herrera, R. et al. CLIWOC: a database for the World's oceans 1750-1850, details
  • Verduin, J.J. The European Directory of Initial Ocean-observing Systems (EDIOS), details
  • Lucas, J. et al. Underwater communications using electromagnetic waves (EMCOMMS), details
  • Stevenson, A. The European Marine Seismic Metadata and Information Centre: gateway to marine geological survey data (EUROSEISMIC), details
  • Plag, H.-P.; ESEAS-RI Project Team European Sea Level Service - Research Information (ESEAS-RI), details
  • Mertikas, S.P. et al. Establishment of a European radar altimeter calibration and sea-level monitoring site for JASON, ENVISAT and Euro-GLOSS (GAVDOS), details
  • Drago, A.; Vallerga, S. GOOS Regional Alliances Network Development (GRAND), details
  • Wadhams, P. et al. Greenland Ice and Climate Experiment (GreenICE), details
  • Desaubies, Y. Developement of a real time in situ observing system in the North Atlantic Ocean, by an array of Lagrangian profiling floats (GYROSCOPE), details
  • Melsheimer, C. et al. Integrated Observation and Modelling of Arctic Sea ice and Atmosphere (IOMASA), details
  • Riska, K. Ice ridging information for decision making in shipping operations (IRIS), details
  • Vallerga, S.; Drago, A. The Mediterranean network to assess and upgrade monitoring and forecasting activity in the region (MAMA), details
  • Rosenthal, W. Rogue waves - forecast and impact on marine structures (MaxWave), details
  • Johannessen, J.A. et al. Marine Environment and Security in the European Area (MERSEA) Strand-1, details
  • MERSEA Consortium Development of a European system for operational monitoring and forecasting of the ocean physics, biogeochemistry and ecosystems, on global and regional scales (MERSEA), details
  • Pinardi, N. et al. Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System: Toward Environmental Predictions (MFSTEP), details
  • Østerhus, S.; Balino, B. Meridional Overturning Exchange with the Nordic Seas (MOEN), details
  • Crepon, M. et al. Improving satellite ocean color data processing by the use of neural networks (NAOC), details
  • Sheperd, I. et al. Harmonised monitoring, mapping and assessment of illegal oil discharges in European Seas (OCEANIDES), details
  • She, J.; ODON Consortium Optimal Design of Observational Networks (ODON), details
  • Favali, P. et al. From GEOSTAR to ORION: toward ocean networking (ORION-GEOSTAR-3), details
  • Buch, E.; Huess, V. Programme for a Baltic network to assess and upgrade an operational observing and forecasting system in the region (PAPA), details
  • Bach, F.-W. et al. A mobile lander for autonomous monitoring and sampling (SEABEE), details
  • Schaap, D.M.A. Pan-European network for ocean and marine & data information management (SEA-SEARCH), details
  • Miles, P.R. et al. Developing a facility to re-use seismic data (SEISCANEX), details
  • Moneris, S. et al. Satellite-based Ocean ForecasTing (SOFT), details
  • Vainio, M. et al. Autonomous underwater multi-probe system for coastal area/shallow water monitoring (SWARM), details

Mar. Biotechnol. 9(2)

  • Alvarez, M.C. et al. Fish ES cells and applications to biotechnology, details
  • Sakurai, H.; Masukawa, H. Promoting R & D in photobiological hydrogen production utilizing mariculture-raised cyanobacteria, details
  • Robert, S.S. et al. Metolachlor-mediated selection of a microalgal strain producing novel polyunsaturated fatty acids, details
  • Hsiao, T.Y. et al. Identification and functional analysis of a delta-6 desaturase from the marine microalga Glossomastix chrysoplasta, details
  • Hoover, C.A. et al. Profiling transcriptome complexity and secondary metabolite synthesis in a benthic soft coral, Sinularia polydactyla, details
  • Moriya, S. et al. Genetic stock identification of chum salmon in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean using mitochondrial DNA microarray, details
  • Shimonaga, T. et al. Variation in storage a-polyglucans of red algae: amylose and semi-amylopectin types in Porphyridium and glycogen type in Cyanidium, details
  • Cho, E.S. et al. Population genetic structure of the ark shell Scapharca broughtonii Schrenck from Korea, China, and Russia based on COI gene sequences, details
  • Muttray, A.F. et al. Identification of DeltaN isoform and polyadenylation site choice variants in molluscan p63/p73-like homologues, details
  • Wang, S. et al. Analysis of the secondary structure of ITS1 in Pectinidae: Implications for phylogenetic reconstruction and structural evolution, details
  • Ye, H.-Q. et al. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the myostatin gene in sea perch (Lateolabrax japonicus), details
  • Chen, S.-L. et al. Isolation of female-specific AFLP markers and molecular identification of genetic sex in half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis), details
  • Parameswaran, V. et al. Development and characterization of two new cell lines from milkfish (Chanos chanos) and grouper (Epinephelus coioides) for virus isolation, details


Science (Wash.) 317(5838)

  • Kintisch, E. Ocean observing network wades into swirling U.S. fiscal waters, details [News focus]


Nature (Lond.) 448(7154)

  • Anon. Strife on the seven seas, details [Editorials]
  • Jayaraman, K.S. Steaming ahead, details [News features]
  • St. Laurent, L.C.; Thurnherr, A.M. Intense mixing of lower thermocline water on the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, details [Letters]



Anon. (2007) Global change and ecosystems: EU research for the environment. Catalogue of Projects of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) [CD-ROM]. European Commission: Brussel, Belgium. ISBN 92-79-03822-2. 1 cd-rom pp., details

KORDI (2007) The hope of humanity: future of the ocean [DVD]. Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute: Korea. 1 dvd (11 mins.) pp., details



FAO (2007) Report of the Second FAO Ad Hoc Expert Advisory Panel for the Assessment of Proposals to Amend Appendices I and II of CITES concerning commercially-exploited aquatic species, Rome, 26–30 March 2007. FAO Fisheries Report = FAO Rapport sur les pêches, 833. FAO: Rome, Italy. ISBN 978-92-5-105731-5. 133 pp., details



Van Marlen, B. (2003) Improving the selectivity of beam trawls in The Netherlands: the effect of large mesh top panels on the catch rates of sole, plaice, cod and whiting. Fish. Res. 63(2): 155-168, details



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