VLIZ LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS NO. 322 / 29 September, 2006

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OPEN MARINE ARCHIVE (OMA):  the open repository of publications by Flemish/Belgian scientists.

Kerckhof, F.; Nolf, F. (2006) Een nobele onbekende: de kleine gaper Sphenia binghami Turton, 1822 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Myidae). De Strandvlo 26(2): 56-59, details



(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph 'Articles & papers')

Eos Magazine: Wetenschap en Technologie voor Mens en Maatschappij. Cascade: Gent, Belgium. ISSN 0772-0084. Vol. 23(9) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Hippocampus. Nederlandstalige Liga voor Onderwateronderzoek en -Sport (NELOS): Antwerpen, Belgium. ISSN 1782-8414. Vol. 210 (2006) (holdings, look here)

De Strandvlo: Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift van De Strandwerkgroep België. De Strandwerkgroep België: Oostende, Belgium. ISSN 0773-3542. Vol. 26(2) 2006 (holdings, look here)



(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph 'Articles & papers')

Becuwe, M.; Lingier, P.; Deman, R.; De Putter, G.; De Vos, K.; Rappé, G.; Sys, P. (2006) Ecologische atlas van de Paarse Strandloper en de Steenloper aan de Vlaamse kust 1947-2005: Aantalsevolutie, terreingebruik, activiteitsritme en gedrag van de Paarse Strandloper (Calidris maritima) en de Steenloper (Arenaria interpres) aan de Vlaamse kust, 1947-2005. VLIZ Special Publication, 33. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende, Belgium. ISBN 90-810081-2-9. 183 pp., details

Lamoot, I. (2004) Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape. PhD Thesis. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek: Brussel, Belgium. ISBN 90-403-2047-2. 246 pp., details

Luten, J.B.; Jacobsen, C.; Bekaert, K.; Saebø, A.; Oehlenschläger, J. (Ed.) (2006) Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Wageningen Academic Publishers: The Netherlands. ISBN 90-8686-005-2. 567 pp., details

van den Broek, J. (2006) Strandvondsten: over de natuur van zee, strand en duin. 2de verbeterde druk. Veen Magazines: Diemen, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-8571-034-0. 128 pp., details



Eos Magazine

vol. 23(9) 2006

Rigolle, C. (2006) 20.000 soorten bacteriën in een liter oceaanwater. Eos 23(9): 15, details

Anon. (2006) Twintig jaar langer gat in de ozonlaag. Eos 23(9): 28, details

Wolkers, H. (2006) Orka: meest vervuilde Noordpooldier. Eos 23(9): 106-110, details



vol. 210 (2006)

Madder, I. (2006) Wrakken als tijdscapsules. Hippocampus 210: 22-25, details

Balcaen, N. (2006) De zeekaart Vlaamse banken: wegwijzer naar wrakken. Hippocampus 210: 28-30, details

Houziaux, J.S.; Kerckhof, F.; Peeters, M. (2006) De Belgische Noordzee. Hippocampus 210: 32-34, details

Van De Vijver, I. (2006) Bijzondere ontmoeting: zeezoogdieren in de Noordzee. Hippocampus 210: 50-52, details


Lamoot, I. (2004) Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape. PhD Thesis. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek: Brussel, Belgium. ISBN 90-403-2047-2. 246 pp., details

Lamoot, I. (2004) General introduction: Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape, in: Lamoot, I. (2004). Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape. pp. 10-36, details

Lamoot, I.; Hoffmann, M. (2004) Do season and habitat influence the behaviour of Haflinger mares in a coastal dune area? Belg. J. Zool. 134(2/1): 97-103, details

Lamoot, I.; Meert, C.; Hoffmann, M. (2005) Habitat use of ponies and cattle foraging together in a coastal dune area. Biol. Conserv. 122: 523-536, details

Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Demeulenaere, E.; Vandenberghe, C.; Hoffmann, M. (2005) Foraging behaviour of donkeys grazing in a coastal dune area in temperate climate conditions. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 92(1-2): 93-112, details

Lamoot, I.; Vandenberghe, C.; Bauwens, D.; Hoffmann, M. (2005) Grazing behaviour of free-ranging donkeys and Shetland ponies in different reproductive states. J. Ethol. 23(1): 19-27, details

Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Degezelle, T.; Demeulenaere, E.; Laquière, J.; Vandenberghe, C.; Hoffmann, M. (2004) Eliminative behaviour of free-ranging horses: do they show latrine behaviour or do they defecate where they graze? Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 86(1-2): 105-121, details

Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Demeulenaere, E.; Laquière, J.; Hoffmann, M. (2004) Time budget and habitat use of free-ranging equids: a comparison of sampling methods, in: Lamoot, I. (2004). Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape. pp. 150-169, details


Luten, J.B.; Jacobsen, C.; Bekaert, K.; Saebø, A.; Oehlenschläger, J. (Ed.) (2006) Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. Wageningen Academic Publishers: The Netherlands. ISBN 90-8686-005-2. 567 pp., details

Løvaas, E. (2006) Marine phospholipids (MPL): resources, applications and markets, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 17-28, details

Porsgaard, T.; Xu, X.; Mu, H. (2006) Effects of dietary triacylglycerol structure on plasma and liver lipid levels in rats fed low-fat diets containing n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids of marine origin, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 29-40, details

Oehlenschläger, J. (2006) Cholesterol content in seafood, data from the last decade: a review, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 41-57, details

Bragadóttir, M.; Porkelsdóttir, A.; Klonowski, I.; Gunnlaugsdóttir, H. (2006) Capelin oil for human consumption, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 59-69, details

Jacobsen, C.; Let, M.B.; Andersen, G.; Meyer, A.S. (2006) Oxidative stability of fish oil enriched yoghurts, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 71-86, details

Barstad, H.; Alvik, A..C.; Løvaas, E. (2006) Antioxidant synergy effect between a-tocopherol and ascorbate on the autoxidation of liposomes, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 87-94, details

Sánchez-Alonso, I.; Jiménez-Escrig, A.; Saura-Calixto, F.; Borderías, J. (2006) Effect of grape antioxidant dietary fibre on the prevention of lipid oxidation in minced fish: evaluation by different methodologies, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 95-104, details

Lauritzsen, K.; Olsen, R.L. (2006) Effects of antioxidants on copper induced lipid oxidation during salting of cod (Gadus morhua L.), in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 105-118, details

Sivertsen, A.; Lauritzsen, K.; Veberg, A.; Wold, P.J. (2006) Rapid assessment of storage quality of cliff-fish from saithe by fluorescence spectroscopy, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 119-126, details

Falch, E.; Øverby, A.; Rustad, T. (2006) Natural antioxidants in cod liver oil: pitfalls during oxidative stability assessment, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 127-137, details

Olsson, G.B.; Gundersen, B.; Esaiassen, M. (2006) Pre-slaughter starvation of farmed Atlantic cod fed vegetable proteins: effects on quality parameters, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 139-147, details

Tobiassen, T.; Akse, L.; Midling, K.; Aas, K.; Dahl, R.; Eilertsen, G. (2006) The effect of pre rigor processing of cod (Gadus morhua L.) on quality and shelf life, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 149-159, details

Olsson, G.B.; Cooper, M.; Friis, T.J.; Olsen, R.L. (2006) Gelatinolytic activity in muscle of farmed and wild Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) related to muscle softening, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 161-171, details

Mørkøre, T.; Hansen, S.J.; Rørvik, K.-A. (2006) Relevance of storage temperature for contraction and gaping of pre rigor filleted farmed cod (Gadus morhua L.), in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 173-184, details

Esaiassen, M.; Lorentzen, G.; Dahl, R.; Eilertsen, G.; Gundersen, B.; Tobiassen, T.; Sivertsvik, M. (2006) Brining of farmed cod fillets: effects on quality aspects, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 185-192, details

Dulsrud, A.; Norberg, H.M.; Lenz, T. (2006) Too much or too little information? The importance of origin and traceability for consumer trust in seafood in Norway and Germany, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 213-227, details

Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Brunsø, K.; Olsen, S.O. (2006) Consumer knowledge and interest in information about fish, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 229-239, details

Østli, J.; Heide, M.; Carlehög, M.; Eilertsen, G. (2006) The importance of bacalhau consumption in Portugal and a preliminary product consumer test in Lisboa, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 241-249, details

Karlsen, K.M.; Senneset, G. (2006) Traceability: simulated recall of fish products, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 251-261, details

Margeirsson, S.; Nielsen, A.A.; Jonsson, G.R.; Arason, S. (2006) Effect of catch location, season and quality defects on value of Icelandic cod (Gadus morhua) products, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 265-274, details

Felberg, H.S.; Martinez, I. (2006) Protein degrading enzymes in herring (Clupea harengus) muscle and stomach, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 275-282, details

Gonçalves, S.; Lourenço, H.; Afonso, C.; Martins, M.F.; Nunes, M.L. (2006) Characterization of the quality of frozen sea products commercialized in Portugal, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 283-288, details

Bekaert, K. (2006) Development of a quality index method scheme to evaluate freshness in tub gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucernus), in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 289-296, details

Gallagher, M.; Green, M.; Trearty, F. (2006) Spoilage of herring (Clupea harengus) under chilled conditions and offal under ambient and chilled conditions when treated with commercial preservative or additive products, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 297-307, details

Tejada, M.; Solas, M.T.; Navas, A.; Mendizábal, A. (2006) Effect of freezing and different heat treatments on Anisakis larvae: preliminary study, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 309-316, details

Schubring, R. (2006) Use of “filtered smoke” and carbon monoxide with fish: a review, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 317-345, details

Skjerdal, T.; Ranneklev, S. (2006) Assessing the time-temperature history of aseptically filleted cod from predicted and measured contents of sulphide producing bacteria, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 349-358, details

Pedro, S.; Batista, I.; Nunes, M.L. (2006) Growth kinetic of Staphylococcus aureus during cod (Gadus morhua) rehydration, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 359-364, details

Abrahim, A.; Iossifidou, E.; Soultos, N.; Koutsopoulos, D.; Tzavaras, I.; Koidis, P. (2006) Aeromonas spp. and potential indicators in mussels in Northern Greece, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 365-370, details

Pedro, S.; Castro, S.; Santos, M.; Santos, A.T. (2006) Characterisation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from seafood products, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 371-380, details

Lasagabaster, A.; Martínez de Marañón, I. (2006) Inactivation of Listeria innocua isolated from fish products by pulsed light, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 381-386, details

Cruz, Z.; Arboleya, J.C.; Nuin, M.; Martínez de Marañón, I.; Amarita, F.; Lauzon, H.L. (2006) Antimicrobial effect of chitosan on micro-organisms isolated from fishery products, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 387-393, details

Matamoros, S.; Pilet, M.-F.; Gigout, F.; Prevost, H.; Leroi, F. (2006) Selection of psychotrophic bacteria active against spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms relevant for seafood products, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 395-402, details

Brillet, A.; Matamoros, S.; Blanchet-Chevrollier, C.; Leroi, F.; Prevost, H.; Pilet, M.-F. (2006) Selection of non-tyramine producing Carnobacterium strains for the biopreservation of cold smoked salmon, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 403-410, details

Plante, S.; Oliveira, A.C.M.; Smiley, S.; Bechtel, P.J. (2006) Production and characterization of a sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) liver meal and dried powders from stickwaters, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 413-418, details

Chabeaud, A.; Vandanjon, L.; Jaouen, P.; Bourseau, P.; Delannoy, C.; Johannsson, R.; Thorkelsson, G.; Guerard, F. (2006) Evaluation of antioxidant activities in by-product hydrolysates, fractionation and concentration of active molecules using separation technologies (ultra- and nanofiltration technologies), in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 419-426, details

Batista, I.; Pires, C.; Nelhas, R.; Godinho, V. (2006) Acid and alkaline-aided protein recovery from Cape hake by-products, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 427-437, details

Stoknes, I.S.; Oehlenschläger, J.; Gormley, R. (2006) Quality evaluation of silver smelt (Argentina silus) and its suitability for seafood products: compilation of results from three European research centres, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 439-456, details

Testi, S.; Badiani, A.; Ghidini, S.; Silvi, M.; Foschi, C.; Gatta, P.P. (2006) Effect of sample preparation with or without shell liquor on contents and retentions of macro and micro elements in three species of bivalve molluscs, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 459-468, details

Cakli, S.; Dincer, T.; Cadun, A.; Saka, S.; Firat, K. (2006) Seasonal variation of proximate and fatty acid class composition of wild and cultured Brown Meagre (Sciena umbra), a new species for aquaculture, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 469-476, details

Nunes, M.L.; Bandarra, N.M.; Oliveira, L.; Batista, I.; Calhau, M.A. (2006) Composition and nutritional value of fishery products consumed in Portugal, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 477-487, details

Raemaekers, M.; Derveaux, S.; Parmentier, K. (2006) Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlor pesticides in brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) of the Belgian Continental Shelf, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 489-496, details

Lourenço, H.; Lima, C.; Oliveira, A.; Gonçalves, S.; Afonso, C.; Martins, M.F.; Nunes, M.L. (2006) Concentrations of mercury, lead and cadmium in bivalves from the Portuguese coast, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 497-502, details

Afonso, C.; Lourenço, H.; Martins, M.F.; Nunes, M.L. (2006) Contaminant metals in cod products, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 503-506, details

Nilsen, H.; Sivertsen, A.; Joensen, S.; Bjørkevoll, I.; Heia, K. (2006) Instrumental quality control of stockfish, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 509-517, details

Nuin, M.; Alfaro, B.; Cruiz, Z.; Argarate, N. (2006) Time temperature indicators as quality and shelf life indicators for fresh turbot (Psetta maxima), in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 519-524, details

Stien, L.H.; Amundsen, A.; Mørkøre, T.; Nortvedt, R.; Økland, S.N. (2006) Instrumental colour analysis of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) muscle, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 525-539, details

Martinez, I. (2006) Revision of analytical methodologies to verify the production method of seafood, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 541-550, details

Baert, L.; Bontinck, L.; Uyttendaele, M.; Debevere, J. (2006) Detection of noroviruses: comparison of viral extraction methods in bivalve molluscs, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 551-560, details


De Strandvlo

vol. 26(2) 2006

Severijns, N. (2006) Verslag van de meerdaagse SWG-excursie naar Trébeurden (Bretagne) van 15 tot 21 april 2003 (Deel 1). De Strandvlo 26(2): 36-42, details

Vandercruyssen, C. (2006) Verslag van de excursie in de jachthaven van Zeebrugge op 17 juni 2006. De Strandvlo 26(2): 47-48, details

Vanhaelen, M.-Th. (2006) Verschillende bivalven talrijk en dicht bewoond door het erwtenkrabbetje Pinnotheres pisum. De Strandvlo 26(2): 49-50, details

Severijns, N. (2006) Een strandvondst van de kleine slangster Ophiura albida Forbes, 1839 aan de Belgische kust. De Strandvlo 26(2): 51-53, details

Vanhaelen, M.-Th. (2006) Vondsten van levende ovale strandschelpen Spisula elliptica (Brown, 1827) op de stranden van de Belgische Westkust. De Strandvlo 26(2): 54-55, details

Kerckhof, F.; Nolf, F. (2006) Een nobele onbekende: de kleine gaper Sphenia binghami Turton, 1822 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Myidae). De Strandvlo 26(2): 56-59, details

Vanhaelen, M.-Th. (2006) Levende messcheden Solen marginatus op 10 februari 2006 te Koksijde en een massale verse stranding in mei 2006 te Sint-Idesbald. De Strandvlo 26(2): 60-64, details

Vanhaelen, M.-Th. (2006) Opvallende toename van de tere platschelp Tellina tenuis te Koksijde en De Panne in 2006. De Strandvlo 26(2): 64-65, details



Zandkorrels: Natuur- en Milieutijdschrift Regio Middenkust. Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie en Milieubescherming (JNM) Afdeling Middenkust: Oostende, Belgium. Vol. 3 (juli-aug-sept; 2006)



Anon. (2005) Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. The Royal Society: London, UK. ISBN 0 85403 617 2. viii, 57 pp., details

O'Sullivan, G.; Hedlund, N. (2006) A preliminary description of MarinERA Member State Marine Research Funding Programmes and Implementation Procedures. MarinERA Report, 1(2006). European Science Foundation, Marine Board: Strasbourg, France. 63 pp., details



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Moll, A.; Radach, G. (2003) Review of three-dimensional ecological modelling related to the North Sea shelf system: Part 1. Models and their results. Progress in Oceanography, volume 57: 175-217, details

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Rehbein, H.; Etienne, M.; Jerome, M.; Hattula, T.; Knudsen, L.B.; Jessen, F.; Luten, J.B.; Bouquet, W.; Mackie, I.M.; Ritchie, A.H.; Martin, R.; Mendes, R. (1995) Influence of variation in methodology on the reliability of the isoelectric focusing method of fish species identification. Food Chemistry 52(2): 193-197, details

Urios, L.; Agogué, H.; Lesongeur, F.; Stackebrandt, E.; Lebaron, P. (2006) Balneola vulgaris gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the phylum Bacteroidetes from the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 56(8): 1883-1887, details

Van Roomen, M.; Van Turnhout, C.; van Winden, E.; Koks, B.; Goedhart, P.; Leopold, M.; Smit, C. (2005) Trends van benthivore watervogels in de Nederlandse Waddenzee 1975-2002: grote verschillen tussen schelpdiereneters en wormeneters. Limosa 78: 21-38, details

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Kanyange, W.N. (2006) Data management tool to assess the status of artisanal reef fisheries: the case of Diani-chale and Gazi, Kenya. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA): Brussel, Belgium. 39 + Appendixes pp., details

Lamoot, I. (2004) Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape. PhD Thesis. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek: Brussel, Belgium. ISBN 90-403-2047-2. 246 pp., details

 Miño, S. (2006) Population dynamics of Metamysidopsis sp. nov. 4b (Tattersall, 1951) from Ecuador. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA)/Universiteit Antwerpen: Brussel, Belgium. v, 47, + Appendixes pp., details

Msafiri, M. (2006) Spatial and temporal change of mangrove of Mtoni-Kijichi in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA): Brussel, Belgium. 48 pp., details


VLIZ-LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS / Oostende : Flanders Marine Institute, 2006
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