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OPEN MARINE ARCHIVE (OMA):  the open repository of publications by Flemish/Belgian scientists.

Anon. (1999) Visserijsector: Doorlichting en strategisch plan visserijsector: projectvoorstel. Ernst & Young Consulting: Belgium. 16, bijlage pp., details

Anon. ([S.d.]) Een alternatief vaartuig voor de Vlaamse vissersvloot. Project COGITO: Onderzoek inzake een nieuw polyvalent visserijscheepstype voor de klein visserij 5BW/EFRO72/A4.2 - maatregel 'herstructurering van de scheepswerven' met steun van de Europese Unie en van de Vlaamse Regering: Eindrapport. Vlaamse Vissersgemeenschap: Belgium. 88 pp., details

De Troch, M.; Steinarsdóttir, M.B.; Chepurnov, V.; Ólafsson, E. (2005) Grazing on diatoms by harpacticoid copepods: species-specific density-dependent uptake and microbial gardening. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 39(2): 135-144, details

Maelfait, H. (2006) Samenvatting resultaten "Lenteprikkel op het strand" 1 April 2006. Coördinatiepunt voor Geïntegreerd Beheer van Kustgebieden: Oostende, Belgium. 20 pp., details



(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph 'Articles & papers')

Aquatic Botany. Elsevier Science: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISSN 0304-3770. Vol. 84(4) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Academic Press: London, UK. ISSN 0024-4066. Vol. 87(4) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Nature: international weekly journal of science. Nature Publishing Group: London, UK. ISSN 0028-0836. Vol. 440(7086-7087) 2006 (holdings, look here)

New Scientist. Reed Business Information: London, UK. ISSN 0262-4079. Vol. 189(2543-2544) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Oceanography and Marine Biology: an annual review. Taylor & Francis: London, UK. ISSN 0078-3218. Vol. 27 (1989) (holdings, look here)

Science. American Association for the Advancement of Science: Washington DC, USA. ISSN 0036-8075. Vol. 312 (5771) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London: London, UK. ISSN 0024-4082. Vol. 146(4) 2006 (holdings, look here)



(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph 'Articles & papers')

Barnard, J.L. (1969) Gammaridean Amphipoda of the rocky intertidal of California: Monterey Bay to La Jolla. Bulletin. United States National Museum, 258. Smithsonian Institution: Washington, DC (USA). 230 pp., details

Barnard, J.L. (1967) Bathyal and abyssal gammaridean Amphipoda of Cedros Trench, Baja California. Bulletin. United States National Museum, 260: Washington, DC (USA). 205 pp., details

Barnes, H.; Barnes, M.; Ansell, A.D.; Gibson, R.N.; Pearson, T.H. (Ed.) (1989) Oceanography and Marine Biology: an annual review, 27. Aberdeen University Press: Aberdeen, UK. ISBN 0-08-0363970-0. 468 pp., details

Bellan-Santini, D.; Karaman, G.; Krapp-Schickel, G.; Ledoyer, M.; Myers, A.; Ruffo, S.; Schiecke, U. (1982) The Amphipoda of the Mediterranean. Part 1: Gammaridae (Acanthonotozomatidae to Gammaridae). Mémoires de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, 13. Institut océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0133-5. 364 pp., details

Bellan-Santini, D.; Diviacco, G.; Krapp-Schickel, G.; Ruffo, S. (1989) The Amphipoda of the Mediterranean. Part 2. Gammaridea (Haustoriidae to Lysianassidae). Mémoires de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, 13. Institut océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0140-8. 576 pp., details

Bellan-Santini, D.; Karaman, G.; Krapp-Schickel, G.; Ledoyer, M.; Ruffo, S. (1993) The Amphipoda of the Mediterranean. Part 3: Gammaridea (Melphidippidae to Talitridae), Ingolfiellidea, Caprellidea. Mémoires de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, 13. Institut océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0160-2. 813 pp., details

Carpine, Ch. (1970) Ecologie de l'étage bathyal dans la Méditerranée occidentale. Mémoires de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, 2. Institut océanographique: Monaco. 146 pp., details

Fenaux, R. (1993) The classification of Appendicularia (Tunicata): history and current state. Mémoires de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, 17. Institut océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0159-9. 123 pp., details

Gayral, P.; Cosson, J. (1986) Connaître et reconnaître les algues marines. Connaitre et reconnaitre. Ouest-France: Rennes, France. ISBN 2-85882-956-X. 220 pp., details

Maddocks, R.F. (1969) Revision of recent Bairdiidae (Ostracoda). Bulletin. United States National Museum, 295. Smithsonian Institution: Washington DC (USA). 126 pp., details

Perrier, R.; Fischer, P.; Harant, H. (1930) Bryozoaires, brachiopodes mollusques Protocordés (amphioxus, tuniciers). La Faune de la France: en tableaux synoptiques illustrés, 9. Librairie Delagrave: Paris, France. 172 pp., details

Perrier, R.; Delphy, J. (1936) Coelentérés, spongiaires, échinodermes: sous-règne des protozoaires. La Faune de la France: en tableaux synoptiques illustrés, 1A. Librairie Delagrave: Paris, France. Diff. Pag. [237] pp., details

Perrier, R.; Berland, L.; Bertin, L. (1979) Arachnides et crustacés. La Faune de la France: en tableaux synoptiques illustrés, 2. Librairie Delagrave: Paris, France. 220 pp., details

Pieters, M.; Verhaeghe, F.; Gevaert, G. (Ed.) (2006) Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6. Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed: Brussel, Belgium. 219 pp., details

Ribier, J.; Godineau, J.-Cl. (1984) Les algues: connaissance, utilisation, culture: avec des clés simples de détermination des algues du littoral de la Manche et de l'Atlantique. Flammarion: Paris, France. ISBN 2--066-0142-6. 281 pp., details

Turquier, Y.; Loir, M. (1981) Connaître et reconnaître la faune du littoral. Connaitre et reconnaitre. Ouest-France: Rennes, France. ISBN 2-85882-305-7. 332 pp., details

Van Heurck, H. (1884) Synopsis des diatomées de Belgique. Henri Van Heurck: Anvers, Belgique. 120 pp., details

Van Heurck, H. (1896) A treatise on the Diatomaceae, containing introductory remarks on the structure, life history, collection, cultivation and preparation of diatoms, and a description and figure typical of every known genus, as well as a description and figure of every species found in the North Sea and countries bordering it, including Great Britain, Belgium, &c. William Wesley: London, UK. 558, 35 plates pp., details



Aquatic Botany [Aquat. Bot.]

vol. 84(4) 2006

Leriche, A.; Pasqualini, V.; Boudouresque, C.-F.; Bernard, G.; Bonhomme, P.; Clabaut, P.; Denis, J. (2006) Spatial, temporal and structural variations of a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow facing human activities. Aquat. Bot. 84(4): 287-293, details

Huovinen, P.; Matos, J.; Pinto, I.S.; Figueroa, F. (2006) The role of ammonium in photoprotection against high irradiance in the red alga Grateloupia lanceola. Aquat. Bot. 84(4): 308-316, details

Terrados, J.; Grau-Castella, M.; Piñol-Santiñà, D.; Riera-Fernández, P. (2006) Biomass and primary production of a 8–11 m depth meadow versus <3 m depth meadows of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson. Aquat. Bot. 84(4): 324-332, details

Su, G.-H.; Huang, Y.-L.; Tan, F.-X.; Ni, X.-W.; Tang, T.; Shi, S.-H. (2006) Genetic variation in Lumnitzera racemosa, a mangrove species from the Indo-West Pacific. Aquat. Bot. 84(4): 341-346, details

Santamaría-Gallegos, N.A.; Riosmena-Rodríguez, R.; Sánchez-Lizaso, J.L. (2006) Occurrence and seasonality of Halophila decipiens Ostenfeld in the Gulf of California. Aquat. Bot. 84(4): 363-366, details

Beer, S.; Mtolera, M.; Lyimo, T.; Björk, M.. The photosynthetic performance of the tropical seagrass Halophila ovalis in the upper intertidal. Aquat. Bot. 84(4): 367-371, details

Minchinton, T.E. (2006) Rafting on wrack as a mode of dispersal for plants in coastal marshes. Aquat. Bot. 84(4): 372-376, details


Biological Journal of the Linnean Society [Biol. J. Linn. Soc.]

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)

vol. 87(4) 2006

Rasch, E.M.; Wyngaard, G.A. (2006) Genome sizes of cyclopoid copepods (Crustacea): evidence of evolutionary constraint. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 87(4): 625-635, details


Nature: international weekly journal of science [Nature (Lond.)]

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)

 vol. 440(7086) 2006

Research highlights

Passow, U. (2006) There’s more to marine snow than meets the eye, says a biological oceanographer. Nature (Lond.) 440(7086): 849, details


New Scientist [New Sci.]

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)

vol. 189(2543) 2006


Anon. (2006) Foreseeing New Orleans's levee breaks. New Sci. 189(2543): 6, details

Anon. (2006) Shark oil keeps seabirds alive. New Sci. 189(2543): 20, details

Grebmeier, J.M. (2006) Whales move north as oceans warm. New Sci. 189(2543): 20, details


Pearce, F. (2006) The crucial evidence for global warming fatally flawed - or so we are told. New Sci. 189(2543): 40-43, details


vol. 189(2544) 2006


Anon. (2006) Tropical storms turn up the heat in climate battle. New Sci. 189(2544): 21, details


Oceanography and Marine Biology: an annual review [Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev.]

vol. 27 (1989)

Kelly, G.J. (1989) A comparison of marine photosynthesis with terrestrial photosynthesis: a biochemical perspective. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 27: 11-44, details

Svane, I.; Young, C.M. (1989) The ecology and behaviour of ascidian larvae. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 27: 45-90, details

Barnes, M. (1989) Egg production in cirripedes. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 27: 91-166, details

Horn, M.H. (1989) Biology of marine herbivorous fishes. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 27: 167-272, details

Berruti, A.; Adams, N.J.; Jackson, S. (1989) The Benguela ecosystem: Part 6. Seabirds. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 27: 273-335, details

Hatcher, B.G.; Johannes, R.E.; Robertson, A.I. (1989) Review of research relevant to the conservation of shallow tropical marine ecosystems. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 27: 337-414, details


Pieters, M.; Verhaeghe, F.; Gevaert, G. (Ed.) (2006) Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6. Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed: Brussel, Belgium. 219 pp., details

Tys, D. (2006) Walraversijde, another kettle of fish? Dynamics and identity of a late medieval coastal settlement in proto-capitalistic landscape, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 19-40, details

Pieters, M. (2006) The archaeology of fishery, trade and piracy: the material environment of Walraversijde and other late medieval and early modern fishing communities along the southern North Sea, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 41-61, details

Schietecatte, L.; Sealy, J. (2006) Fish in a medievel fishing village along the North Sea: what do isotopes have to say? in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 63-80, details

Kightly, C. (2006) From evidence to physical reconstruction: recreating mediaevel Walraversijde, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 81-92, details

van Neer, W.; Ervynck, A. (2006) The zooarchaeological reconstruction of the development of the exploitation of the sea: a status quaestionis for Flanders, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 95-103, details

Van Bulck, G. (2006) Het afsmeken van hemelse hulp als cultuurelement van de tradionele vissersgemeenschap, ook in Walraversijde, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 105-119, details

Caluwé, D. (2006) Material culture as a source of evidence: fragile glass in the hands of fishermen and pirates: common commodities or exceptional finds? Preliminary results on the archaeological vessel glass of Walraversijde and other archaeological sites in coastal Flanders and Zeeland, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 121-147, details

Vlierman, K. (2006) Laat- en postmiddeleeuwse visserschepen van de Zuiderzee, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 151-169, details

Riddler, I. (2006) Early medieval fishing implements of bone and antler, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 171-180, details

Anon. (2006) South Devon: economy, society, culture, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 181-193, details

Busch, M. (2006) The Danish coastal landscape, fishery and transport 1050-1700, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 195-206, details

Alenius, T.; Haggrén, G.; Jansson, H.; Miettinen, A. (2006) Maritime activities on the southern coast of Finland 500-1550 AD: settlement history from the viewpoint of archaeology, history, biology and geology, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 207-213, details

Verhaeghe, F. (2006) Living on the edge of the land: a few preliminary conclusions, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Fishery, trade and piracy: fishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. 1: Papers from the Colloquium at Oostende-Raversijde, Provincial Museum Walraversijde, Belgium, 21-23 November 2003. Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie, 6: pp. 215-219, details


Science (Washington) [Science (Wash.)

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)

vol. 312(5771) 2006

Books et al.

Elworthy, S. (2006) Who needs books? Science (Wash.) 312(5771): 199-200, details

Enderby, J.E. (2006) Considering multiple flavors. Science (Wash.) 312(5771): 200, details


Girguis, P.R.; Lee, R.W. (2006) Thermal preference and tolerance of alvinellids. Science (Wash.) 312(5771): 231, details


Levitan, D.R.; Ferrell, D.L. (2006) Selection on gamete recognition proteins depends on sex, density, and genotype frequency. Science (Wash.) 312(5771): 267-269, details



Bludszuweit, G.; Riehl, I. (1998) We die to live: primeval shrimps and the art of survival [VIDEO]. ORCA Naturfilmproduktion: Munchen, Germany. 1 video (44 min.) pp., details



De Water. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISSN 0926-3462. Vol. 114(april 2006)

Sea Technology. Compass Publications: Arlington, VA. ISSN 0093-3651. Vol. 47(4) 2006



CEFAS (2006) Monitoring of the quality of the marine environment, 2003-2004. Science Series: Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report, 58. Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS): Lowestoft, UK. 168 pp., details

IACMST Working Group (2006) Report of the Inter-Agency Committee on Marine Science and Technology (IACMST) Working Group on underwater sound and marine life. IACMST Working Group Report, 6. National Oceanography Centre: Southhampton UK. 19 pp., details

Ojaveer, H.; Kotta, J. (Ed.). (2006). Alien invasive species in the north-eastern Baltic Sea: population dynamics and ecological impacts. Estonian Marine Institute Report Series, 14. Estonian Marine Institute: Tallinn, Estonia. ISBN 9985-4-0472-6. 64 pp, details



Brouardel, J.; Desrousseaux, J.-Y. (1979) Influence de la température sur la production primaire en Méditerranée. Mémoires de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, 12. Institut océanographique: Monaco. ISBN 2-7260-0007-X. 44 pp., details

Tyler, P.A.; Billet, D.S.M. (1988) The reproductive ecology of elasipodid holothurians from the N.E. Atlantic. Biol. Oceanogr. 5(4): 273-296, details

Vermeij, G.J. (2005) From Europe to America: Pliocene to recent trans-Atlantic expansion of cold-water North Atlantic molluscs. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (Biol. Sci.) 272(1580): 2545-2550, details

Warén, A. (1980) Marine Mollusca described by John Gwyn Jeffreys, with the location of the type material. Special publication of the Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1. Conchological Society of Great Britain & Ireland: England. 60, 8 plates pp., details



Coene, H. (2000) Resource partitioning in a tropical goby assemblage. PhD Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen: Leuven, Belgium. 175 pp., details

Daels, L. (1984) Spectrofotometrische dosering van fenolen in marine organismen en in zeewater. Ir Thesis. Provinciale Industriële Hogeschool Kortrijk: Kortrijk, Belgium. 55 pp., details

Decleir, I. (1987) De betekenis van de garnalen- en artemiakweek in de economische problematiek van de aquacultuur. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Antwerpen: Antwerpen, Belgium. 143 pp., details

De Mayer, Ph. (1980) Etudes des vitesses sismiques des sédiments marins en eau peu profonde: programmation et application à la Gironde et à l'Escaut. MSc Thesis. Université Bordeaux 1: Bordeaux, France. 236, 20 fig. pp., details

De Pauw, C. (1966) Oekologische studie van het plankton in de haven van Oostende gedurende 1965. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen: Gent, Belgium. 147, bijlage 54 pp., details

Stampanato, S. (1991) Etude taxonomique et zoogéographie des astérides des régions antarctique et subantarctique (Echinodermata). BSc Thesis. Université de Mons-Hainaut: Mons, Belgique. 101 pp., details


VLIZ-LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS / Oostende : Flanders Marine Institute, 2006
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