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Heelal: maandelijks tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Sterrenkunde, Meteorologie, Geophysica en aanverwante Wetenschappen vzw. Vereniging voor Sterrenkunde, Meteorologie, Geofysica en Aanverwante Wetenschappen: Brugge, Belgium. Vol. 50(7-8) 2005



(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph 'Articles & papers')

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Academic Press: London, UK. ISSN 0024-4066. Vol. 87(2-3) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Informationen aus der Fischereiforschung = Information on Fishery Research. Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei: Hamburg, Germany. ISSN 1861-2164. (holdings, look here)

Journal of Sea Research. Elsevier/Netherlands Institute for Sea Research: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISSN 1385-1101. Vol. Spec. Issue 55(2) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Marine Biotechnology. Springer-Verlag: New York, NY (USA). ISSN 1436-2228. Vol. 7(6) 2005 (holdings, look here)

Nature: international weekly journal of science. Nature Publishing Group: London, UK. ISSN 0028-0836. Vol. 440(7080) 2006 (holdings, look here)

New Scientist. Reed Business Information: London, UK. ISSN 0262-4079. Vol. 189(2540) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Science. American Association for the Advancement of Science: Washington DC, USA. ISSN 0036-8075. Vol. 311(5764-5765) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London: London, UK. ISSN 0024-4082. Vol. 145(4) 2005, Vol. 146(3) 2006 (holdings, look here)



(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph 'Articles & papers')

Andries, J.; Debaeke, S. (2003) Sint-Idesbald graag gezien: de oudste prentkaarten = Saint-Idesbald d'antan: les cartes postales les plus ancienne. Graag gezien = D'antan, 2. De Klaproos: Koksijde, Belgium. ISBN 90-5508-065-9. ill., 151 pp., details

 Bauwen, L.; Andries, J. (2002) Adinkerke graag gezien: de oudste prentkaarten. Graag gezien = D'antan, 4. De Klaproos: Koksijde, Belgium. ill., 91 pp., details

Bruijn, J.R. (1998) Varend verleden: de Nederlandse oorlogsvloot in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. Uitgeverij Balans: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-5018-407-3. 304 pp., details

Callenaere-Dehouck, J.; Callenaere-Dehouck, B.; Debaeke, S. (2002) Lombardsijde graag gezien: de oudste prentkaarten. Graag gezien = D'antan, 6. De Klaproos: Koksijde, Belgium. ISBN 90-5508-060-8. ill., 91 pp., details

Callenaere-Dehouck, J.; Callenaere-Dehouck, B.; Debaeke, S.; Dutrieue, G. (2002) Nieuwpoort graag gezien: de oudste prentkaarten = Nieuport d'antan: les cartes postales les plus anciennes. Graag gezien = D'antan, 3. De Klaproos: Koksijde, Belgium. ISBN 90-5508-057-8. ill., 121 pp., details

Forey, P.; Fitzsimons, C. (1998) Zee- & kustleven. Snelzoek natuurgids. Uitgeverij Elmar: Rijswijk, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-389-0722-2. 125 pp., details

UNESCO (1978) Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. UNESCO: Paris, France. ISBN 92-3-101594-X. 293 pp., details

Vercaemer, M.; Debaeke, S. (2002) Koksijde graag gezien: de oudste prentkaarten = Coxyde d'antan: les cartes postales les plus anciennes. Graag gezien = D'antan, 2. De Klaproos: Koksijde, Belgium. ISBN 90-5508-056-X. ill., 124 pp., details



Biological Journal of the Linnean Society [Biol. J. Linn. Soc.]

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)

vol. 87(2) 2006

Pascoe, P.L. (2006) Chromosomal polymorphism in the Atlantic dog-whelk,Nucella lapillus (Gastropoda: Muricidae): nomenclature, variation and biogeography. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 87(2): 195-210, details



vol. 50(7) 2005

Vanneste, K.; Van Hoolst, T. (2005) De aardbeving van 26 december 2004. Heelal 50(7): 216-227, details


vol. 50(8) 2005

Vanneste, K.; Van Hoolst, T. (2005) De tsoenami van 26 december 2004. Heelal 50(8): 261-269, details


Informationen aus der Fischereiforschung [Inf. Fischereiforsch.] 

vol. 52(2005)

Stransky, C. (2005) Internationales Otolithen-Symposium in Australien. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 1-4, details

Wienbeck, H.; Dahm, E. (2005) Eine zusätzliche Möglichkeit für die Ostseedorsch-Fischerei: Steerte aus 90° gedrehtem Netztuch. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 5-11, details

Bethke, E. (2005) Gewinnmaximierung der Fischerei schützt den Dorsch der westlichen Ostsee vor Überfischung: Nur ein theoretischer Ansatz?. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 12-20, details

Klenz, B. (2005) Guter Nachwuchsjahrgang 2004 des Herings der westlichen Ostsee, des Kattegats und Skagerraks (ICES-Gebiete IIIa und 22 – 24). Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 21-22, details

Frieß, C.-C.; Müller, H. (2005) Sind die bestehenden Regulierungsmaßnahmen für die Flunderfischerei in der südwestlichen Ostsee sinnvoll? Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 23-32, details

Klenz, B. (2005) Evaluierung der historischen Daten der deutschen Larvensurveys im Hauptlaichgebiet des Herings der westlichen Ostsee. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 33-35, details

Bender, S.; Döring, R. (2005) Fischereiökonomische Forschung in Deutschland: Ergebnisse zur deutschen Fischereiflotte aus einem EU-Verbundprojekt. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 36-42, details

Neudecker, T.; Damm, U. (2005) Maifische an der deutschen Nordseeküste - zum Auftreten von Finte (Alosa fallax) und Alse (Alosa alosa). Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 43-50, details

Mieske, B.; Oeberst, R.; Ubl, C.; Richter, U. (2005) Der Anteil Transportwasser bei Heringsanlandungen mittels Vakuumsauganlage in Großraumbehältern. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 51-57, details

Haarich, M. (2005) Die Überwachungsprogramme der internationalen Meeresschutzkonventionen für Nord- und Ostsee. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 58-60, details

Haase, T.; Heyer, H.; Schubring, R. (2005) Entwicklung einer einfachen und schnellen Analysenmethode für Kohlenmonoxid in Fisch und Durchführung orientierender Untersuchungen. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 61-65, details

Schöne, R. (2005) Die Fischerei im Nordostatlantik im Jahre 2004. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 66-73, details

Bleil, M.; Oeberst, R. (2005) Die Reproduktion von Dorschen (Gadus morhua L. und Gadus morhua callarias L. ) in der Ostsee unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Arkonasee: Teil I. Allgemeiner Verlauf des jährlichen Reifeprozesses und der Laichaktivitäten in den verschiedenen Gebieten. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 74-82, details

Bleil, M.; Oeberst, R. (2005) Die Reproduktion von Dorschen (Gadus morhua L. und Gadus morhua callarias L.) in der Ostsee unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Arkonasee: Teil II. Statistische Analysen zum Anteil reproduktiv aktiver Dorsche in Bezug auf gebietsspezifische Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten, sowie deren mögliche Ursachen. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 83-90, details

Rätz, H.-J.; Ehrich, S.; Bethke, E. (2005) Wer fischt was? – Gemischte Bodenfischereien und ihre Auswirkungen auf die wichtigsten Nutzfischbestände in der Nordsee. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 91-100, details

Kammann, U.; Klempt, M. (2005) Wirkungsbezogener Nachweis von toxischen Substanzen. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 101-105, details

Heyer, H.; Schubring, R. (2005) Entwicklung einer einfachen und schnellen Analysenmethode für Kohlenmonoxid in Fisch: Teil 2. Methodenoptimierung. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 106-114, details

Schubring, R.; Oehlenschläger, J.; Brill, M. (2005) 27. Sitzung des FAO/WHO-Codex-Alimentarius-Komitees für Fische und Fischereierzeugnmisse. Inf. Fischereiforsch. 52: 115-116, details


Journal of Sea Research [J. Sea Res.]

vol. 55(2) 2006

Mikkelsen, O.; Hill, P.S.; Milligan, T.G. (2006) Single-grain, microfloc and macrofloc volume variations observed with a LISST-100 and a digital floc camera. J. Sea Res. 55(2): 87-102, details

Vandendriessche, S.; Vinckx, M.; Degraer, S. (2006) Floating seaweed in the neustonic environment: a case study from Belgian coastal waters. J. Sea Res. 55(2): 103-112, details

Schratzberger, M.; Warr, K.; Rogers, S.I. (2006) Patterns of nematode populations in the southwestern North Sea and their link to other components of the benthic fauna. J. Sea Res. 55(2): 113-127, details

Lastra, M.; de la Huz, R.; Sánchez-Mata, A.G.; Rodil, I.F.; Aerts, K.; Beloso, S.; Lopéz, J. (2006) Ecology of exposed sandy beaches in northern Spain: environmental factors controlling macrofauna communities. J. Sea Res. 55(2): 128-140, details

Islam, Md. S.; Hibino, M.; Nakayama, K.; Tanaka, M. (2006) Condition of larval and early juvenile Japanese temperate bass Lateolabrax japonicus related to spatial distribution and feeding in the Chikugo estuarine nursery ground in the Ariake Bay, Japan. J. Sea Res. 55(2): 141-155, details

Brunel, T.; Boucher, J. (2006) Pattern of recruitment variability in the geographical range of the exploited northeast Atlantic fish species. J. Sea Res. 55(2): 156-168, details


Marine Biotechnology [Mar. Biotechnol.]

vol. 7(6) 2005

Aranishi, F. (2005) Rapid PCR-RFLP method for discrimination of imported and domestic mackerel. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 571-575, details

Johansen, K.A.; Overturf, K. (2005) Quantitative expression analysis of genes affecting muscle growth during development of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 576-587, details

Zhang, Q.; Allen Jr., S.K.; Reece, K.S. (2005) Genetic variation in wild and hatchery stocks of Suminoe oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis) assessed by PCR-RFLP and microsatellite markers. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 588-599, details

Liu, F.; Liu, Y.; Li, F.; Dong, B.; Xiang, J. (2005) Molecular cloning and expression profile of putative antilipopolysaccharide factor in Chinese shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis). Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 600-608, details

Buonocore, F.; Forlenza, M.; Randelli, E.; Benedetti, S.; Bossu, P.; Meloni, S.; Secombes, C.J.; Mazzini, M.; Scapigliati, G. (2005) Biological activity of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) recombinant interleukin-1ß. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 609-617, details

Podsiadlowski, L.; Bartolomaeus, T. (2005) Organization of the mitochondrial genome of Mantis shrimp Pseudosquilla ciliata (Crustacea: Stomatopoda). Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 618-624, details

Yazawa, R.; Hirono, I.; Aoki, T. (2005) Characterization of promoter activities of four different Japanese flounder promoters in transgenic zebrafish. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 625-633, details

Hirokawa, Y.; Fujiwara, S.; Tsuzuki, M. (2005) Three types of acidic polysaccharides associated with coccolith of Pleurochrysis haptonemofera: comparison with Pleurochrysis carterae and analysis using fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled lectins. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 634-644, details

Maynard, B.T.; Kerr, L.J.; McKiernan, J.M.; Jansen, E.S.; Hanna, P.J. (2005) Mitochondrial DNA sequence and gene organization in the Australian blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (leach). Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 645-658, details

Wang, Y.; MacKenzie, T.; Morse, D. (2005) Purification of plastids from the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 659-668, details

Li, Q.; Kijima, A. (2005) Segregation of microsatellite alleles in gynogenetic diploid Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai). Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 669-676, details

Abe, S.; Wang, P.-L.; Takahashi, F.; Sasaki, E. (2005) Structural analysis of cDNAs coding for 4SNc-tudor domain protein from fish and their expression in yellowtail organs. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 677-686, details

Bendezu, I.F.; Slater, J.W.; Carney, B.F. (2005) Identification of Mytilus spp. and Pecten maximus in Irish waters by standard PCR of the 18S rDNA gene and mulitplex PCR of the 16S rDNA gene. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 687-696, details

Milbury, C.A.; Gaffney, P.M. (2005) Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 697-712, details

Sato, M.; Kawamata, K.; Zaslavskaya, N.; Nakamura, A.; Ohta, T.; Nishikiori, T.; Brykov, V.; Nagashima, K. (2005) Development of microsatellite markers for Japanese scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) and their application to a population genetic study. Mar. Biotechnol. 7(6): 713-728, details


Nature: international weekly journal of science [Nature (Lond.)]

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)

 vol. 440(7080) 2006

News and views

Pandolfi, J.M. (2006) Corals fail a test of neutrality. Nature (Lond.) 440(7080): 35-36, details

Letters to Nature

Dornelas, M.; Connolly, S.R.; Hughes, T.P. (2006) Coral reef diversity refutes the neutral theory of biodiversity. Nature (Lond.) 440(7080): 80-82, details


New Scientist [New Sci.]

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)

vol. 189(2540) 2006


Biever, C. (2006) An American city fights for survival. New Sci. 189(2540): 8-11, details

Marshall, J. (2006) Three Gorges dam threatens vast fishery. New Sci. 189(2540): 18-19, details

Anon. (2006) Crab sees UV where the sun don't shine. New Sci. 189(2540): 19, details

Anon. (2006) Listen to what the reefs are saying. New Sci. 189(2540): 19, details


Science (Washington) [Science (Wash.)

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)

vol. 311(5764) 2006


Martin, T. (2006) Early mammalian evolutionary experiments. Science (Wash.) 311(5764): 1109-1110, details

Technical comment abstracts

Getz, W.M.; Lloyd-Smith, J.O. (2006) Comment on "On the regulation of populations of mammals, birds, fish, and insects" I. Science (Wash.) 311(5764): 1100a, details

Ross, J.V. (2006) Comment on "On the regulation of populations of mammals, birds, fish, and insects" II. Science (Wash.) 311(5764): 1100b, details

Doncaster, C.P. (2006) Comment on "On the regulation of populations of mammals, birds, fish, and insects" III. Science (Wash.) 311(5764): 1100c, details

Sibly, R.M.; Barker, D.; Denham, M.C.; Hone, J.; Pagel, M. (2006) Response to comments on "On the regulation of populations of mammals, birds, fish, and insects". Science (Wash.) 311(5764): 1100d, details

Research articles

Ji, Q.; Luo, Z.-X.; Yuan, C.-X.; Tabrum, A.R. (2006) A swimming mammaliaform from the Middle Jurassic and ecomorphological diversification of early mammals. Science (Wash.) 311(5764): 1123-1127, details


UNESCO (1978) Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. UNESCO: Paris, France. ISBN 92-3-101594-X. 293 pp., details

Orren, M.J. (1978) Techniques available to identify metallic species in the interstitial waters, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 29-32, details

Burton, J.D. (1978) The modes of association of trace metals with certain components in the sedimentary cycle, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 33-41, details

Duinker, J.C. (1978) The analysis of estuarine interstitial waters for trace metals, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 42-48, details

Förstner, U.; Müller, G.; Stoffers, P. (1978) Heavy metal contamination in estuarine and coastal sediments: sources, chemical association and diagenetic effects, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 49-69, details

Höpner, T.; Orliczek, C. (1978) Humic matter as a component of sediments in estuaries, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 70-74, details

Bricker, O.P. (1978) Sampling the distribution and speciation of dissolved chemical substances in interstitial waters, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 75-79, details

Jedwab, J.; Chesselet, R. (1978) Paint pigments: an overlooked group of stable technological tracers, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 91-94, details

Martin, J.-M.; Meybeck, M. (1978) The content of major elements in the dissolved and particulate load of rivers, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 95-110, details

Martin, J.-M.; Nijampurkar, V.; Salvadori, F. (1978) Uranium and thorium isotope behaviour in estuarine systems, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 111-127, details

Aksornkoae, S. (1978) The pertinent physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the input of sedimentary source materials entering the estuarine zone, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 128-130, details

Erlenkeuser, H. (1978) The use of radiocarbon in estuarine research, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 140-153, details

Billen, G.; Vanderborcht, J.P. (1978) Evaluation of the exchange fluxes of materials between sediments and overlying waters from direct measurements of bacterial activity and mathematical analysis of vertical concentration profiles in interstitial waters, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 154-165, details

Lal, D. (1978) Transfer of chemical species through estuaries to oceans, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 166-170, details

Elderfield, H. (1978) Chemical variability in estuaries, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 171-178, details

Duursma, E.K. (1978) Migration in the seabed: some concepts, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 179-188, details

Lal, D. (1978) Transfer of chemical species through estuaries to oceans, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 166-170, details

Reeburgh, W.S. (1978) Convective mixing in sediments, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 189-190, details

Erlenkeuser, H. (1978) Stable carbon isotope characteristics of organic sedimentary source materials entering the estuarine zone, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 199-206, details

Price, N.B.; Malcolm, S.J.; Hamilton-Taylor, J. (1978) Environmental impact of lead and zinc in recent sediments, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 207-215, details

Day, J.H. (1978) The effect of plants and animals on the chemistry of estuarine sediments, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 216-221, details

Stanley, S.O. (1978) Biodegradation of organic matter in marine sedilments, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 222-223, details

Suess, E. (1978) Distinction between natural and anthropogenic materials in sediments, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 224-237, details

Williams, P.J.le B. (1978) Some aspects of microbial growth in estuaries, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 238-245, details

Bertine, K. (1978) Means of determining natural versus anthropogenic fluxes to estuarine sediments, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 246-253, details

Billen, G. (1978) The dependence of the various kinds of microbial metabolism on the redox state of the medium, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 254-261, details

Reeburgh, W.S. (1978) Zonation of reaction in sediments, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 262-265, details

Martens, C.S. (1978) Some of the chemical consequences of microbially mediated degradation of organic materials in estuarine sediments, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 266-278, details

Wollast, R.; Peters, J.J. (1978) Biogeochemical properties of an estuarine system: the River Scheldt, in: UNESCO (1978). Biogeochemistry of estuarine sediments: Proceedings of a Unesco/SCOR Workshop held in Melreux, Belgium, 29 November to 3 December, 1976. pp. 279-293, details



IOC (2005) Seventh Session of the IOC-WMO-UNEP Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS-VII) Paris, France, 4 - 7 April 2005 and Extraordinary Session 20 June 2005 Paris, France. GOOS Report, 145. UNESCO: Paris, France. 19, annex pp., details

IOC (2006) From commitments to action: advances in developing an Indian Ocean tsunami warning and mitigation system. IOC Brochure, 2006-1. UNESCO: France, Paris. 27 pp., details



Nieuwe aanwinsten: literatuurinformatie verschenen in week…. Yerseke, The Netherlands: Nederlands Instituut voor Oecologisch Onderzoek. Bibliotheek Centrum voor Estuariene en Mariene Oecologie. No. 4-5 (2006)

Vlootinfo. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Administratie Waterwegen en Zeewezen: Oostende, Belgium. Vol. 4-3(2005)

Zandkorrels: Natuur- en Milieutijdschrift Regio Middenkust. Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie en Milieubescherming (JNM) Afdeling Middenkust: Oostende, Belgium. Vol. (Jan-feb-maart 2006)



Anon. (2005) Report of the conference on marine biodiversity, fisheries management and marine protected areas (MPAs). European Bureau for Conservation and Development: Brussels, Belgium. 28 pp., details

Beuselinck, L.; Valle, P. (2005) Cost-benefit analysis. Development of an integrated approach for the removal of tributyltin (TBT) from waterways and harbors: prevention, treatment and reuse of TBT contaminated sediments. ERM NV: Brussel, Belgium. 36 pp., details

Cornelis, C.; Bierkens, J.; Goyvaerts, M.P.; Joris, I.; Nielsen, P.; Schoeters, G. (2005) Framework for quality assessment of organotin in sediments in view of re-use on land. Development of an integrated approach for the removal of tributyltin (TBT) from waterways and harbors: prevention, treatment and reuse of TBT contaminated sediments. VITO: Mol, Belgium. 98 + annexes pp., details

Goethals, L.; Pieters, A. (2005) Remediation of sediments: treatment of the aqueous phase: full-scale filtrate water treatment. Development of an integrated approach for the removal of tributyltin (TBT) from waterways and harbors: prevention, treatment and reuse of TBT contaminated sediments. ENVISAN: Aalst, Belgium. 15 pp., details

Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid-Zeevisserij; Tessens, E.; Velghe, M. (2004) Uitkomsten van de Belgische zeevisserij 2004. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Administratie Landbouwbeleid, Dienst Zeevisserij: Oostende, Belgium. 32 pp., details

Pensaert, S. (2005) Reuse of sediments: geotechnical evaluation of clean sediments. Final report. Development of an integrated approach for the removal of tributyltin (TBT) from waterways and harbors: prevention, treatment and reuse of TBT contaminated sediments. DEC Environmental Contractors: Zwijndrecht, Belgium. 21 pp., details

Pieters, A.; Goethals, L. (2005) Reuse of cleaned sediments: geotechnical evaluation of mechanically dewatered sediments and thermally treated sediments for possible re-use of sediments containing tributyltin (TBT). Development of an integrated approach for the removal of tributyltin (TBT) from waterways and harbors: prevention, treatment and reuse of TBT contaminated sediments. ENVISAN: Aalst, Belgium. 31 + 3 annexes pp., details

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