VLIZ Library acquisitions 111/12 July 2002

For more information about the articles and papers included in this publication (a.o. full citation and  abstract) please consult the literature screen of IMIS (‘Integrated Marine Information System’) at https://www.vliz.be/Vmdcdata/imis/index.htm.


(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph ‘Articles & papers’)

Aquaculture International : Journal of the European Aquaculture Society.  Dordrecht, The Netherlands :The European Aquaculture Society. ISSN 0967-6120.  Vol. 9(3) 2001

Bulletin. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission = Boletín. Comisión Interamericana Del Atún Tropical. La Jolla, CA (USA) : Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. ISSN 007-0993. Vol. 22(2) 2001

Nature: international weekly journal of science. London, UK : Nature Publishing  Group. ISSN 0028-0836. Vol. 417(6893) 2002

Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia.  Valparaíso, Chile :  Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Valparaíso. ISSN 0717-3326.  Vol. 36(2) 2001

Scientia Marina (Barcelona). Barcelona, Spain : Institut de Ciències del Mar. ISSN 0214-8358. Vol. 66(1), 2002


(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph ‘Articles & papers’)

Anon., (1981). An evaluation of Antarctic marine ecosystem research. National Academy Press: Washington, DC (USA). xvi, 99 pp.

Anon., (1995). Invloed van baggerspecielossingen op het leefmilieu in de Zuidelijke Noordzee: Studiedag 2 maart 1994: proceedings. AWZ & IHE-BMM: Brussel, Belgium. [Diff. pag.] pp.

Crisp, D.J. (1971). Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK. ix, 599 pp.

Croxall, J.P. (1987). Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. 408 pp.

Cuénot, L. (1922). Sipunculiens, échiuriens, priapuliens. Faune de France,  4. Kraus Reprint: Paris, France. 29, 14 figures pp.

di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (1998). Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy. 363 pp.

Heip, C.; Polk, Ph. (1982). Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 3. Biological processes and translocations = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 3. Biological processes and translocations. Programmatie van het Wetenschapsbeleid: Brussel, Belgium. 226 pp.

Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (2000). Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 210 pp.


Anon., (1995). Invloed van baggerspecielossingen op het leefmilieu in de Zuidelijke Noordzee: studiedag 2 maart 1994: proceedings. AWZ & IHE-BMM: Brussel, Belgium. [Diff. pag.] pp.

de Bie, M.; Benijts, F. (1995). Invloed van enkele randvoorwaarden op de mobiliseerbaarheid van nutriënten en polluenten in baggerspecie: uitloogproeven op laboschaal. Pp 1-6, 2 plates in Anon., (Ed.): Invloed van baggerspecielossingen op het leefmilieu in de Zuidelijke Noordzee: studiedag 2 maart 1994: proceedings. AWZ & IHE-BMM: Brussel, Belgium.

Mergaert, K. (1995). Dynamiek en ecotoxicologische implicaties van polluenten in baggerspecie voor het mariene milieu. Pp 1-8 in Anon., (Ed.): Invloed van baggerspecielossingen op het leefmilieu in de Zuidelijke Noordzee: studiedag 2 maart 1994: proceedings.  AWZ & IHE-BMM: Brussel, Belgium.

Vyncke, W.; Cooreman, K.; Hillewaert, H.; Vanhee, W.; Roose, P.; Declerck, D.; Guns, M.; Van Hoeyweghen, P. (1995). Biologische monitoring van de lossingen van gebaggerd materiaal voor de Belgische kust. Pp 1-6, 7 charts in Anon., (Ed.): Invloed van baggerspecielossingen op het leefmilieu in de Zuidelijke Noordzee: studiedag 2 maart 1994: proceedings. AWZ & IHE-BMM: Brussel, Belgium.

De Meyer, C.P.; Malherbe, B.; Maenhaut van Lemberge, V. (1995). Toegepast sedimentologisch onderzoek van baggerstortplaatsen en baggerrendement in de Zuidelijke Baai van de Noordzee.  Pp [1-8] in Anon., (Ed.): Invloed van baggerspecielossingen op het leefmilieu in de Zuidelijke Noordzee: studiedag 2 maart 1994: proceedings. AWZ & IHE-BMM: Brussel, Belgium.

Fransaer, D. (1995). Variatie van het zwevend-sedimentgehalte in funktie van het getij voor de Vlaamse kust. Pp 1-18, 7 plates in Anon., (Ed.): Invloed van baggerspecielossingen op het leefmilieu in de Zuidelijke Noordzee: studiedag 2 maart 1994: proceedings. AWZ & IHE-BMM: Brussel, Belgium.

Van den Eynde, D. (1995). Mathematische modellering van sedimenttransport aan de Belgische kust: eerste resultaten. Pp [1-26] in Anon., (Ed.): Invloed van baggerspecielossingen op het leefmilieu in de Zuidelijke Noordzee: studiedag 2 maart 1994: proceedings. AWZ & IHE-BMM: Brussel, Belgium.

De Brabandere, J. (1995). Instrumenten en methodes voor de evaluatie en de beperking van milieuimpakt van baggerwerken en de sanering van sedimenten. Pp 1-12 in Anon., (Ed.): Invloed van baggerspecielossingen op het leefmilieu in de Zuidelijke Noordzee: studiedag 2 maart 1994: proceedings. AWZ & IHE-BMM: Brussel, Belgium.

Aquaculture International

vol. 9(3) 2001

Papandroulakis, N.; Divanach, P.; Anastasiadis, P.; Kentouri, M. (2001). The pseudo-green water technique for intensive rearing of sea bream (Sparus aurata) larvae. Aquaculture International 9(3): 205-216.

Conides, A.J.; Glamuzina, B. (2001). Study on the effects of rearing density, temperature and salinity on hatching performance of the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758). Aquaculture International 9(3): 217-224.

Makridis, P.; Bergh, Ø.; Skjermo, J.; Vadstein, O. (2001). Addition of bacteria bioencapsulated in Artemia metanauplii to a rearing system for halibut larvae. Aquaculture International 9(3): 225-235.

Mihelakakis, A.; Yoshimatsu, T.; Tsolkas, C. (2001). Effects of feeding rate on growth, feed utilization and body composition of red porgy fingerlings: preliminary results. Aquaculture International 9(3): 237-245.

Rigos, G.; Stevenson, R. (2001). The effect of antibiotic treatment on the establishment of persistent infection with Yersinia ruckeri Serovar II in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Aquaculture International 9(3): 247-253.

Alarcón, F.J.; Moyano, F.J.; Díaz, M. (2001). Use of SDS-page in the assessment of protein hydrolysis by fish digestive enzymes. Aquaculture International 9(3): 255-267.

Celada, J.D.; Carral, J.M.; Pérez, J.R.; Sáez-Royuela, M.; Muñoz, C. (2001). Successful storage and transport of eggs of the white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes Lereboullet). Aquaculture International 9(3): 269-276.

Ng, W.-K.; Ang, L.-P.; Liew, F.-L. (2001). An evaluation of mineral supplementation of fish meal-based diets for African catfish. Aquaculture International 9(3): 277-282.

Bulletin. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission = Boletín. Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical [Bull. I-ATTC/Bol. CIAT]

vol. 22(2) 2001

Maunder, M.N. (2001). Growth of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the eastern Pacific Ocean, as estimated from tagging data. Bull. I-ATTC/Bol. CIAT 22(2): 95-131.

Crisp, D.J. (1971). Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK. ix, 599 pp.

Scheltema, R.S. (1971). The dispersal of the larvae of shoal-water benthic invertebrate species over long distances by ocean currents. Pp 7-28 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Wood, L.; Hargis Jr., W.J. (1971). Transport of bivalve larvae in a tidal estuary. Pp 29-44 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Hrs-Brenko, M. (1971). Observations on the occurrence of planktonic larvae of several bivalves in the northern Adriatic Sea. Pp 45-53 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Pearce, J.B.; Chess, J.R. (1971). Comparative investigations of the development of epibenthic communities from Gloucester Massachusetts to St Thomas Virgin Islands. Pp 55-61 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Bøhle, B. (1971). Settlement of mussel larvae Mytilus edulis on suspended collectors in Norwegian waters. Pp 63-69 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Jansson, A.-M.; Matthiesen, A.-S. (1971). On the ecology of young Idotea in the Baltic. Pp 71-88 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Knight-Jones, E.W., Bailey, J.H.; Isaac, M.J. (1971). Choice of algae by larvae of Spirorbis, particularly of Spirorbis spirorbis. Pp 89-104 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Ryland, J.S.; Stebbing, A.R.D. (1971). Settlement and orientated growth in epiphytic and epizoic bryozoans. Pp 105-123 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Moyse, J. (1971). Settlement and growth pattern of the parasitic barnacle Pyrgoma anglicum. Pp 125-141 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Gabbott, P.A.; Larman, V.N. (1971). Electrophoretic examination of partially purified extracts of Balanus balanoides containing a settlement inducing factor. Pp 143-153 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Fry, W.G. (1971). The biology of larvae of Ophlitaspongia seriata from two North Wales populations. Pp 155-178 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

James, B.L. (1971). Host selection and ecology of marine digenean larvae. Pp 179-196 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Bougis, P. (1971). Effet de la température sur le développement endotrophe des plutéus. Pp 197-201 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Bernard, M. (1971). La forme elliptique de la relation température-durée de développement embryonnaire chez les Copépodes pélagiques et ses propiétés. Pp 203-209 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Costlow Jr., J.D.; Bookhout, C.G. (1971). The effect of cyclic temperatures on larval development in the mud-crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii. Pp 211-220 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Thiriot-Quiévreux, C. (1971). Les véligers planctoniques de Prosobranches de la région de Banyuls-sur-Mer (Méditerranée occidentale): phylogénie et métamorphose. Pp 221-225 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Gibson, P.H.; Nott, J.A. (1971). Concerning the fourth antennular segment of the cypris larva of Balanus balanoides. Pp 227-236 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Holborow, P.L. (1971). The fine structure of the trochophore of Harmothoe imbricata. Pp 237-246 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Cazaux, C. (1971). Développement larvaire de Microspio mecznikowianus. Pp 247-257 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Bayne, B.L. (1971). Some morphological changes that occur at the metamorphosis of the larvae of Mytilus edulis. Pp 259-280 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Hickman, R.W.; Gruffydd, LL.D. (1971). The histology of the larva of Ostrea edulis during metamorphosis. Pp 281-294 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Hubschman, J.H. (1971). Transient larval glands in Palaemonetes. Pp 295-300 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Jones, W.C. (1971). Spicule formation and corrosion in recently metamorphosed Sycon ciliatum (O. Fabricius). Pp 301-320 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Smith, R.M.; Jones, W.E. (1971). The measurement of inshore submarine irradiation. Pp 321-333 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Kain, J.M. (1971). Continuous recording of underwater light in relation to Laminaria distribution. Pp 335-346 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Lüning, K. (1971). Seasonal growth of Laminaria hyperborea under recorded underwater light conditions near Helgoland. Pp 347-361 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Jones, W.E.; Dent, E.S. (1971). The effect of light on the growth of algal spores. Pp 363-374 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Dring, M.J. (1971). Light quality and the photomorphogenesis of algae in marine environments. Pp 375-392 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Quraishi, F.O.; Spencer, C.P. (1971). Studies on the responses of marine phytoplankton to light fields of varying intensity. Pp 393-408 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Norton, T.A.; Ebling, F.J.; Kitching, J.A. (1971). Light and the distribution of organisms in a sea cave. Pp 409-432 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Zavodnik, D. (1971). Light conditions and shade seeking populations among algal settlements. Pp 433-441 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Crisp, D.J.; Ghobashy, A.F.A.A. (1971). Responses of the larvae of Diplosoma listerianum to light and gravity. Pp 443-465 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Blaxter, J.H.S.; Staines, M.E. (1971). Food searching potential in marine fish larvae. Pp 467-485 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Jones, D.A. (1971). A new light trap for plankton. Pp 487-493 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Castilla, J.C. (1971). Responses to light of Asterias rubens L. Pp 495-511 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Thain, V.M. (1971). Diurnal rhythms in snails and starfish. Pp 513-537 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Forbes, L. ; Seward, J.B. ; Crisp, D.J. 1971). Orientation to light and the shading response in barnacles. Pp 539-558 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Gidney, A.R. (1971). The light sensitivity and light environment of Corophium volutator (abstract). Pp 559 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Georges, D. (1971). La lumière et le déclenchement de la ponte chez Ciona intestinalis. Pp 561-569 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Gidholm, L. (1971). Light controlled swarming in the polychaete Autolytus (abstract). Pp 571 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Segerstråle, S.G. (1971). Light and gonad development in Pontoporeia affinis. Pp 573-581 in Crisp, D.J. (Ed.): Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium. European Marine Biology Symposia, 4. Cambridge University Press: London, UK.

Croxall, J.P. (1987). Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. 408 pp.

Croxall, J.P. (1987). Introduction. Pp 1-5 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Hunt Jr., G.L.; Schneider, D.C. (1987). Scale-dependent processes in the physical and biological environment of marine birds. Pp 7-41 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Pennycuick, C.J. (1987). Flight of seabirds. Pp 43-62 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Kooyman, G.L.; Davis, R.W. (1987). Diving behaviour and performance, with special reference to penguins. Pp 63-75 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Furness, R.W. (1987). Kleptoparasitism in seabirds. Pp 77-100 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Croxall, J.P.; Lishman, G.S. (1987). The food and feeding ecology of penguins. Pp 101-131 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Prince, P.A.; Morgan, R.A. (1987). Diet and feeding ecology of Procellariiformes. Pp 135-171 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Schreiber, R.W.; Clapp, R.B. (1987). Pelecaniform feeding ecology. Pp 173-188 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Vermeer, K.; Sealy, S.G.; Sanger, G.A. (1987). Feeding ecology of Alcidae in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Pp 189-227 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Sanger, G.A. (1987). Trophic levels and trophic relationships of seabirds in the Gulf of Alaska. Pp 229-257 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Schneider, D.C.; Hunt Jr., G.L.; Powers, K.D. (1987). Energy flux to pelagic birds: a comparison of Bristol Bay (Bering Sea) and Georges Bank (Northwest Atlantic). Pp 259-277 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Briggs, K.T.; Chu, E.W. (1987). Trophic relationships and food requirements of California seabirds: updating models of trophic impact. Pp 279-301 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Harrison, G.S.; Seki, M.P. (1987). Trophic relationships among tropical seabirds at the Hawaiian Islands. Pp 305-326 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Duffy, D.C.; Siegfried, W.R. (1987). Historical variations in food consumption by breeding seabirds of the Humboldt and Benguela upwelling regions. Pp 325-346 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Croxall, J.P.; Prince, P.A. (1987). Seabirds as predators on marine resources, especially krill, at South Georgia. Pp 347-368 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Croxall, J.P. (1987). Conclusions. Pp 369-381 in Croxall, J.P. (Ed.): Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (1998). Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy. 363 pp.

Eastman, J.T.; Clarke, A. (1998). A comparison of adaptive radiations of Antarctic fish with those of non Antarctic fish. Pp 3-26 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Kock, K.-H.; Everson, I. (1998). Age, growth and maximum size of Antarctic notothenioid fish: revisited. Pp 29-40 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Christiansen, J.S.; Fevolden, S.-E.; Karamushko, O.V.; Karamushko, L.I. (1998). Maternal output in Polar fish production. Pp 41-52 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

White, M.G. (1998). Development, dispersal and recruitment: a paradox for survival among Antarctic fish. Pp 53-62 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Duhamel, G. (1998). The pelagic fish community of the Polar Frontal Zone off the Kerguelen Islands. Pp 63-74 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Hulley, P.A. (1998). Preliminary investigations on the evolution of the tribe Electronini (Myctophiformes, Myctophidae). Pp 75-85 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Zdzitowiecki, K. (1998). Diversity of Digenea, parasites of fishes in various areas of the Antarctic. Pp 87-94 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Somero, G.N.; Fields, P.A.; Hofmann, G.E.; Weinstein, R.B.; Kawall, H. (1998). Cold adaptation and stenothermy in Antarctic notothenioid fishes: what has been gained and what has been lost? Pp 98-109 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Carratù, L.; Gracey, A.Y.; Buono, S.; Maresca, B. (1998). Do Antarctic fish respond to heat shock? Pp 111-118 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Wöhrmann, A.P.A. (1998). Aspects of eco-physiological adaptations in Antarctic fish. Pp 119-128 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Giardina, B.; Mordente, A.; Zappacosta, B.; Callà, C.; Colacicco, L.; Gozzo, M.L.; Lippa, S. (1998). The oxidative metabolism of Antarctic fish: some peculiar aspects of cold adaptation. Pp 129-138 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Dietrich III, H.W. (1998). Molecular adaptation of microtubules and microtubule motors from Antarctic fish. Pp 139-149 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy
Carginale, V.; Capasso, A.; Capasso, C.; Kille, P.; Parisi, E.; Passaretti, G.L.; di Prisco, G.; Riggio, M.; Scudiero, R. (1998). Metallothionein in Antarctic fish. Pp 150-161 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Zimmermann, C.; Hubold, G. (1998). Respiration and activity of Arctic and Antarctic fish with different modes of life: a multivariate analysis of experimental data. Pp 163-174 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Coscia, M.R.; Oreste, U. (1998). Antarctic fish immunoglobulins: preliminary data on structure and antibody specificity. Pp 175-184 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Egginton, S.; Rankin, J.C. (1998). Vascular adaptations for a low pressure / high flow blood supply to locomotory muscles of Antarctic icefish. Pp 185-195 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Robertson, R.F.; Whiteley, N.M.; Egginton, S. (1998). Cardiac and locomotory muscle mass in Antarctic fishes. Pp 197-204 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Cerra, M.C.; Mazza, R.; Pellegrino, D.; Tota, B. (1998). Natriuretic peptides in Antarctic teleosts: cardiac receptors in Chionodraco hamatus and Trematomus bernacchii. Pp 205-213 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

Masini, M.A.; Sturla, M.; Pisano, E.; Koubbi, P.; Coradeghini, R.; Uva, B.M. (1998). Atrial natriuretic peptides in Antarctic fish. Pp 215-224 in di Prisco, G.; Pisano, E.; Clarke, A. (Ed.): Fishes of Antarctica: a biological overview. Springer: Milano, Italy.

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Kristensen, E. (2000). Organic matter diagenesis at the oxic/anoxic interface in coastal marine sediments, with emphasis on the role of burrowing animals. Pp 1-24 in Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (Ed.): Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

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Kruse, I.; Buhs, F. (2000). Preying at the edge of the sea: the nemertine Tetrastemma melanocephalum and its amphipod prey on high intertidal sandflats. Pp 43-55 in Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (Ed.): Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Ólafsson, E.; Carlström, S.; Ndaro, G.M. (2000). Meiobenthos of hypersaline tropical mangrove sediment in relation to spring tide inundation. Pp 57-64 in Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (Ed.): Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Barletta, M.; Saint-Paul, U.; Barletta-Bergan, A.; Ekau, W.; Schories, D. (2000). Spatial and temporal distribution of Myrophis punctatus (Ophichthidae) and associated fish fauna in a northern Brazilian intertidal mangrove forest. Pp 65-74 in Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (Ed.): Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Chapman, M.G. (2000). Variability of foraging in highshore habitats: dealing with unpredictability. Pp 75-87 in Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (Ed.): Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Werner, I. (2000). Faecal pellet production by Arctic under-ice amphipods: transfer of organic matter through the ice/water interface. Pp 89-96 in Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (Ed.): Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

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Gross, O. (2000). Influence of temperature, oxygen and food availability on the migrational activity of bathyal benthic foraminifera: evidence by microcosm experiments. Pp 123-137 in Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (Ed.): Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Dauvin, J.-C.; Vallet, C.; Mouny, P.; Zouhiri, S. (2000). Main characteristics of the boundary layer macrofauna in the English Channel. Pp 139-156 in Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (Ed.): Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

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Becker, K.; Hormchong, T.; Wahl, M. (2000). Relevance of crustacean carapace wettability for fouling. Pp 193-201 in Liebezeit, G.; Dittmann, S.; Kröncke, I. (Ed.): Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 September 1998. Hydrobiologia, 426 (1-3). European Marine Biology Symposia, 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

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Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía [Rev. Biol. Mar. Oceanogr.]

vol. 36(2) 2001

Páez, M.; Zúñiga, O.; Valdés, J.; Ortlieb, L. (2001). Foraminíferos bentónicos recientes en sedimentos micróxicos de la bahía Mejillones del Sur (23º S), Chile. Rev. Biol. Mar. Oceanogr. 36(2): 129-139.

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Villalejo-Fuerte, M.; Ceballos-Vázquez, B.P.; Arellano-Martínez, M.; García-Domínquez, F. (2001). Contribution to the biology of the spider crabs Maiopsis panamensis Faxon, 1893 and Stenocionops ovata (Bell, 1835) (Decapoda: Majoidea) from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Rev. Biol. Mar. Oceanogr. 36(2): 199-203.

Scientia Marina (Barcelona) [Sci. Mar. (Barc.)]

vol. 66 (1) 2002

Nirchio, M.; Turner, B.J.; Pérez, J.E.; Gaviria, J.I.; Cequea, H. (2002). Karyotypes of three species of toadfish (Batrachoididae: Teleostei) from Venezuela. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 66(1): 1-4.

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Sánchez, L.R.; Junoy, J. (2002). Isopods of the genus Arcturella (Valvifera: Arcturidae) from the expedition FAUNA I (S Spain), with description of a new species. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 66(1): 33-41.

Rodríguez, E.; López-Gonzáles, P.J. (2002). A new species of Halcampella (Actiniaria: Halcampoididae) from the eastern Weddell Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 66(1): 43-52.

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VLIZ-LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS / Oostende : Flanders Marine Institute, 2002
responsible publisher and editor: Jan Mees, Vismijn, Pakhuizen 45-52, B-8400 Oostende (Belgium)

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