Ecotox Database
The Ecotox database contains information on the most important potential pollutants of the North Sea. The list of chemicals was compiled on the basis of their toxicity, and the frequency with which they are transported over the North Sea. The database contains general information on the chemicals, and results of toxicity tests as extracted from published literature sources. The database can be queried through this search screen, by name of the chemical (English and Dutch name) or by the GESAMP codes.
The list was compiled at the Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology (then the Laboratory for Biological research of Water pollution), University Ghent. The work framed in a project, Definiëring en toepassing van ecologische criteria en economische indicatoren voor de effectstudie en kostenbepaling van diverse types van verontreiniging in de Noordzee, sponsored by the federal office for scientific, technical and cultural affairs of Belgium.
Data compiled by the Laboratory for Biological Research on Water Pollution, University Ghent. For queries about the data, please contact Colin Janssen.