Op de jaarlijkse VLIZ Jongerencontactdag Mariene Wetenschappen in februari-maart wordt zowel door een Vakjury als door het aanwezige publiek telkens één beste poster geselecteerd. De prijs voor elk van beide bekroningen bedraagt 125 EUR. Hieronder vindt u de laureaten van de posterprijzen, evenals de eervolle vermeldingen voor de als tweede en derde geëindigde posterinzendingen.
Vakjury:1. Van Keeken Olvin A., Rob E. Grift and Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp: "Sudden changes in the spatial distribution of juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes Platessa) in the North Sea"
2. Van de Putte Anton, Cristina Beans, Filip Volckaert and Jean-Henri Hecq: "Status, role and control of Electrona antarctica in the Lazarev Sea"
2. Dooms Stefania, Daphné Deloof, Kristof Dierckens, Peter Bossier and Patrick Sorgeloos: "Genetic characterisation of commercially important Brachionus strains"1. Van de Putte Anton, Cristina Beans, Filip Volckaert and Jean-Henri Hecq: "Status, role and control of Electrona antarctica in the Lazarev Sea"
1. Fockedey Nancy, Stijn Bruwiere, An Ghekiere and Magda Vincx: "In vitro embryogenesis of Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysidacea) as a potential indicator of endocrine disruption"
3. ECOMAMA first year students 2003-2004: "A comparative analysis of macrobenthic communities of sublittoral and littoral zones of the Belgian continental shelf and coast (Oostende and De Panne)"
Vakjury:1. Van de Vijver, K.I., P. Hoff, K. Das, W. Van Dongen, E.L. Esmans, J.M. Bouquegneau, R. Blust, W.M. De Coen: "Perfluorinated organochemicals: new threat for marine mammals"
2. Ghekiere An, Tim Verslycke and Colin Janssen: "Non-target effects of the insecticide methoprene on molting of mysid shrimp (Crustacea; Mysidacea)"
2. Vandendriessche Sofie, Magda vincx and Steven Degraer: "Ephemeral neustonic macrofaunal communities on floating seaweeds"1. De Vos Leen: "Optimisation of scour protection of offshore wind farms under combined hydrodynamical loading"
1. Vandendriessche Sofie, Magda vincx and Steven Degraer: "Ephemeral neustonic macrofaunal communities on floating seaweeds"
3. ECOMAMA first year students 2003-2004 et al.: "International ECOMAMA community meets benthic communities at De Panne"
- Stevens M., J. Maes, B. Van Asten & F. Ollevier: "Resource utilization by fishes on a brackish water mudflat"
- Guelinckx J., J. Maes, L. De Brabandere, F. Ollevier & F. Dehairs: "Migration of juvenile herring and sprat between the North Sea and the Schelde Estuary proved by stable C and N isotopes"
- Sevenant A., R. Samson, H. Verbeeck, N. Vanermen, L. Wackenier & R. Lemeur: "Quantitative estimation of the contribution of the vegetation to the evapotranspiration of wet dune slacks"
- ECOMAMA first year students 2001-2002, V. Mubiana & N. Beenaerts: "Flux’n stock around the clock: a 24-h survey of carbon and nutrient dynamics in the Spuikom lagoon (Ostend, Belgium)"
- Guelinckx J., J. Maes, L. De Brabandere, F. Ollevier & F. Dehairs: "Migration of juvenile herring and sprat between the North Sea and the Schelde Estuary proved by stable C and N isotopes"
- Delgado Blanco M.R., T. De Mulder, R. Banasiak, M. Willems, R. Verhoeven & J. Monbaliu: "Fundamental aspects related to sediment transport in sandy coasts"
- Charlet F & V. Van Lancker: "Sediment dynamical and morphological study of a marine shoal: the Paardenmarkt, Belgian continental shelf. Contribution of grain-size analysis, acoustic instruments, current modelisation"
- Aerts K.: "Characterization of surface layers on individual marine CaCo3 particles, using 'variable energy' electron probe microanalysis"
- Verslycke T., K. De Wasch, S. Poelmans, H. De Brabander & C. Janssen: "The testosterone metabolism of Neomysis integer: the quest continues"
- Charlet F. & V. Van Lancker: "Sediment dynamical and morphological study of a marine shoal: the Paardenmarkt, Belgian continental shelf. Contribution of grain-size analysis, acoustic instruments, current modelisation"
- Samyn Y. & W. Appeltans: "Maintaining native levels of shallow-water holothurian biodiversity in the Western Indian Ocean"
- Deprez T., J. Mees, A. Connell & T. Wooldridge: "Towards digital taxonomy"
- De Mol B., A. Van Reusel & J.-P. Henriet: "'Hovland' mounds in Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: biological zonation and environmental control"
- Meysman F., C. Heip, P. Herman & J. Middelburg: "MEDIA: a modelling environment for surface sediment biogeochemistry"
- Verslycke T., K. De Wasch, H. De Brabander & C. Janssen: "The testosterone metabolism of Neomysis integer: how different are we from shrimps?"
- Verslycke T., K. De Wasch, H. De Brabander & C. Janssen: "The testosterone metabolism of Neomysis integer: how different are we from shrimps?"
- Moerkerke G., V. Van Lancker & V. Huvenne: "The acoustic response of the seafloor"
- De Mesel I., T. Moens & M. Vincx: "The influence of nematode diversity on the decomposition of organic matter and on the associated bacterial community: an experimental approach"