Poster presentation awards

Op de jaarlijkse VLIZ Jongerencontactdag Mariene Wetenschappen in februari-maart wordt zowel door een Vakjury als door het aanwezige publiek telkens één beste poster geselecteerd. De prijs voor elk van beide bekroningen bedraagt 125 EUR. Hieronder vindt u de laureaten van de posterprijzen, evenals de eervolle vermeldingen voor de als tweede en derde geëindigde posterinzendingen.



    1. Van Keeken Olvin A., Rob E. Grift and Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp: "Sudden changes in the spatial distribution of juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes Platessa) in the North Sea"
    2. Van de Putte Anton, Cristina Beans, Filip Volckaert and Jean-Henri Hecq: "Status, role and control of Electrona antarctica in the Lazarev Sea"
    2. Dooms Stefania, Daphné Deloof, Kristof Dierckens, Peter Bossier and Patrick Sorgeloos: "Genetic characterisation of commercially important Brachionus strains"


    1. Van de Putte Anton, Cristina Beans, Filip Volckaert and Jean-Henri Hecq: "Status, role and control of Electrona antarctica in the Lazarev Sea"
    1. Fockedey Nancy, Stijn Bruwiere, An Ghekiere and Magda Vincx: "In vitro embryogenesis of Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysidacea) as a potential indicator of endocrine disruption"
    3. ECOMAMA first year students 2003-2004: "A comparative analysis of macrobenthic communities of sublittoral and littoral zones of the Belgian continental shelf and coast (Oostende and De Panne)"



    1. Van de Vijver, K.I., P. Hoff, K. Das, W. Van Dongen, E.L. Esmans, J.M. Bouquegneau, R. Blust, W.M. De Coen: "Perfluorinated organochemicals: new threat for marine mammals"
    2. Ghekiere An, Tim Verslycke and Colin Janssen: "Non-target effects of the insecticide methoprene on molting of mysid shrimp (Crustacea; Mysidacea)"
    2. Vandendriessche Sofie, Magda vincx and Steven Degraer: "Ephemeral neustonic macrofaunal communities on floating seaweeds"


    1. De Vos Leen: "Optimisation of scour protection of offshore wind farms under combined hydrodynamical loading"
    1. Vandendriessche Sofie, Magda vincx and Steven Degraer: "Ephemeral neustonic macrofaunal communities on floating seaweeds"
    3. ECOMAMA first year students 2003-2004 et al.: "International ECOMAMA community meets benthic communities at De Panne"


  1. Stevens M., J. Maes, B. Van Asten & F. Ollevier: "Resource utilization by fishes on a brackish water mudflat"
  2. Guelinckx J., J. Maes, L. De Brabandere, F. Ollevier & F. Dehairs: "Migration of juvenile herring and sprat between the North Sea and the Schelde Estuary proved by stable C and N isotopes"
  3. Sevenant A., R. Samson, H. Verbeeck, N. Vanermen, L. Wackenier & R. Lemeur: "Quantitative estimation of the contribution of the vegetation to the evapotranspiration of wet dune slacks"
  1. ECOMAMA first year students 2001-2002, V. Mubiana & N. Beenaerts: "Flux’n stock around the clock: a 24-h survey of carbon and nutrient dynamics in the Spuikom lagoon (Ostend, Belgium)"
  2. Guelinckx J., J. Maes, L. De Brabandere, F. Ollevier & F. Dehairs: "Migration of juvenile herring and sprat between the North Sea and the Schelde Estuary proved by stable C and N isotopes"
  3. Delgado Blanco M.R., T. De Mulder, R. Banasiak, M. Willems, R. Verhoeven & J. Monbaliu: "Fundamental aspects related to sediment transport in sandy coasts"


  1. Charlet F & V. Van Lancker: "Sediment dynamical and morphological study of a marine shoal: the Paardenmarkt, Belgian continental shelf. Contribution of grain-size analysis, acoustic instruments, current modelisation"
  2. Aerts K.: "Characterization of surface layers on individual marine CaCo3 particles, using 'variable energy' electron probe microanalysis"
  3. Verslycke T., K. De Wasch, S. Poelmans, H. De Brabander & C. Janssen: "The testosterone metabolism of Neomysis integer: the quest continues"
  1. Charlet F. & V. Van Lancker: "Sediment dynamical and morphological study of a marine shoal: the Paardenmarkt, Belgian continental shelf. Contribution of grain-size analysis, acoustic instruments, current modelisation"
  2. Samyn Y. & W. Appeltans: "Maintaining native levels of shallow-water holothurian biodiversity in the Western Indian Ocean"
  3. Deprez T., J. Mees, A. Connell & T. Wooldridge: "Towards digital taxonomy"


  1. De Mol B., A. Van Reusel & J.-P. Henriet: "'Hovland' mounds in Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: biological zonation and environmental control"
  2. Meysman F., C. Heip, P. Herman & J. Middelburg: "MEDIA: a modelling environment for surface sediment biogeochemistry"
  3. Verslycke T., K. De Wasch, H. De Brabander & C. Janssen: "The testosterone metabolism of Neomysis integer: how different are we from shrimps?"
  1. Verslycke T., K. De Wasch, H. De Brabander & C. Janssen: "The testosterone metabolism of Neomysis integer: how different are we from shrimps?"
  2. Moerkerke G., V. Van Lancker & V. Huvenne: "The acoustic response of the seafloor"
  3. De Mesel I., T. Moens & M. Vincx: "The influence of nematode diversity on the decomposition of organic matter and on the associated bacterial community: an experimental approach"